Just Another Pawn

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So that's it. He just left so suddenly. It was a week ago now and honestly, it still hurts. I know it shouldn't really bother me as much as it does but I was with him for over a year. I remembered everything that happened with him, every moment we spent together whether it was a good day or a bad day. And yet every so often after I recorded my videos and uploaded them. I would find myself staring at one fucking picture. It was so stupid how one photo could hold so many happy, and now sad memories.

Lachlan: "Hey Preston, are you alright mate?"

Preston: "Do I look alright Lachlan?"

Lachlan: "Hey I'm sorry. I know your going through something rough right now but you need to breathe man. He was an asshole for what he did to you that much is obvious as fuck. But at the same time you can't mope around all the time and spend each day as if your in mourning as someone who would mourn the loss of a family member would."

I know he is just trying to get me to stop thinking about him but it's so hard. I spent so much time with him.
He even moved from his home to stay with me. And then he just up and left one morning with a note saying he was over it and couldn't find any love for me anymore. It was brutal and I fucking hate him. But at the same time...

Preston: "Did I do something wrong Lachy?"

Lachlan: "Preston you did nothing wrong believe me. It's all his fault for cheating on you the way he did. It's what destroyed the pack let's be honest. With Jerome wanting to still work together. And Mitch messaging you right now. It's understandable that what he did would cause a rift between us. At least now we don't have to worry about the British connection."

Preston: "Vikk told me he was drugged and forced into it by him though. That Vikk didn't get a choice."

Lachlan: "Well that would be the first time I've heard of it like that. If he told us I'm sure the others would be happy to work with m. But if he's so scared then he needs to talk to someone about it."

Preston: "He has been. He's been talking to me about it. He didn't know who else he could talk to. He said he would have tried talking to you but after you guys called it quits, even though he said it was on good terms and you both worked better as friends. He said he messaged Jay and his boyfriend about it. And he was told that I would be the best bet."

Lachlan: "I agree but at the same time you need to understand that maybe people aren't supposed to be together. Maybe there is someone out there who is better for them."

I looked back down in the photo in my hand. Remembering the happy moments before Lachlan violently took it from my grasp. He got up from my bed and ran into my living room. Waving it around as he turned to look at me.

Lachlan: "I love you Preston. Whether you take that as a friendship or something else right now I do not care. But I love you to death and would do anything for you. In doing so I have to keep you safe. Remember I can't stay here. I won't be here forever and it gets hard sometimes when I need to look after you. But at the same time I want you to understand that I only ever think of the good moments. Memories are nice but that's all they are. Your more then welcome to stop and think about him at any time you like. Your more then welcome to stop and tear up at the moments that made you upset or really happy. But I won't let you mope around after he fucked our best friend without him knowing it. Preston your sitting in there and getting upset over losing someone that cheated on you and fucked our best friend simply because he could. That's not what a friend or a boyfriend does."

Preston: "Lachlan please I'm not ready yet."

Lachlan: "Well you need to get ready. Your allowed to be upset, no one is stopping you from doing that. But when it starts to affect your content as of late. Which it has been doing and we all know it. That's where I'm drawing the line. I need to make you happy in any way I can. And if that means playing the bad guy and telling you how it is then I'll do it. And I'll keep doing it forever if I have to. You may not like it but you need to hear it. Your not pathetic or upset or angry or any of those things. Your human, we go through so many emotions that naming a few can't express the full scale of what we feel. But at the same time we need to understand what we can and can't get upset about. And this fucking ass hole is not something I will let you get upset about."

Preston: "I know Lachlan. Just please give me back the photo."

He started to calm down and slowly walked over to me. Holding the photo in his hands. He didn't seem too happy but at the same time it looked like he had given up.

Lachlan: "What you do right now, tonight, is going to show to me and yourself whether you can move on with your life and forgetting about him. He's a fucking horrible human being and I'm genuinely depressed that I called him my friend. After what he did, he doesn't deserve to be happy with his channel. With his life. Fuck him and fuck his friends. Preston you mean the world to me ok. And I'm going to help you In any way I can."

He handed me the photo before walking back into my room. More then likely going to lay in my bed. He had been sleeping with me for the past week, just holding me and letting me be upset. But I guess he's had enough of laying the nice guy. That's fair honestly. I wonder if that was what Jay was like with his partner. He's the only other gay one or has been in this situation. Then again, Australians are fucking weird. I looked at the photo in my hand and remembered the happy moments. Letting myself get upset over the sad moments before feeling Lachlan's arms around me again.

Lachlan: "I'm sorry I yelled at you. And I'm sorry I said in a way that you had to get over it. Your allowed to be upset. I just hate seeing you like this."

Preston: "I'm sorry Lachlan. I just needed a moment to remember."

I threw the photo into the bin and noticed it had landed face up. Staring directly at me.

I gave it one last glance before grabbing Lachlan's hand and letting him drag me back to bed

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I gave it one last glance before grabbing Lachlan's hand and letting him drag me back to bed. We were having a day off tomorrow to let me just relax. I couldn't stop thinking about Rob though. He did so much for me and helped us all. But in the end. I guess I was just another pawn in his game.

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