Don't Panic

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Lachlan's POV

(Why is Lachlan literally the easiest to write with... Anyway)

I was rather excited to be here for the first time with Rob. In our YouTube careers so far we have tackled Homophobia, we have tackled long distance and I feel like it just makes us grow stronger every day. Even though we are worlds apart, we still manage to make it work. And now I'm here in Canada with him, lying in bed as he strokes my hair. He's so cute.

Rob: "Your going to hate me."

Lachlan: "What? Why?"

I looked up at him almost sad, he just smiled at me with that adorable look he get's on his face.

Rob: "Because we need to go to the shops and get a few things."

Wait does he mean like, Outside the house? I can't go outside, I don't do outside, I try my hardest not to leave my house why would he suggest that? Everyone knows about me and everyone judges me, they all look at me, whisper about me. I can't stop them or say anything because that would be rude and it would make them talk about me even more.

Rob: "Hey whoa Lachy breathe mate your fine, your ok."

I didn't realise my breathing had become quicker and almost shallow. I wasn't shaking but I could almost feel it happening.

Rob: "You don't have to come if you don't want to. I don't want you thinking you have to come because you feel like you have to."

Lachlan: "But I do have to."

Rob: "Lachlan baby look at me. If you don't want to come. Or you don't feel like you can do it. You can stay here in bed or even use my set up and record a video. Or just play a game for fun."

Lachlan: "I have to come because if I stay here by myself then..."

I felt him pull me up into his embrace. Him resting his head against my cheek. Even one of us just needing to go to the toilet made me miss him. How the hell would I be with being in another country that I don't even know, while my boyfriend and the only person I know is out of the house, I don't care if it's just a minute or an hour. I can't handle that.

Rob: "Are you going to be ok if we just put some shoes on? I have a second large jacket for you, it get's cold out there."

Lachlan: "I brought a jacket with me, I'm just scared."

Rob: "Lachlan no one knows you here. No one can say anything because they don't know you. If anything they would be fascinated by the fact that your Australian. Your accent would be so nice and unique to them that they would want to get to know you and want to be your friend."

Lachlan: "Don't let them talk to me please."

Rob: "Naw baby are you actually this afraid right now?"

I nodded my head slowly, I had always had Anxiety. Hell getting on the plane was a fucking chore in itself. I even saved up extra to fly first class so I would get a seat for myself in order to avoid people as much as possible. One of the hostesses stayed with me and helped me out, she didn't let anyone else come near me so I felt at least a little bit easier. Rob pulled me up out of bed, still in his arms and pulled a jacket out and threw it over me. I trie to take it off but he held my hands in place.

Rob: "I'm not letting you take this off, I can already see you starting to calm down, if at any point you feel nervous or you start to panic then please remember and think about me, how happy you are to be here and see me and I promise I won't let go of you ok?"

Lachlan: "What if people don't like me, or they don't like you or..."

Rob: "Lachlan trust me, no one really cares about Homosexuality in this country. If anyone was going to be mean, they would be spoken too about it from someone else. Trust me Baby you are safe here. I promise you."

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