Angel without his wings

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(First of all it is 3 am here in Sydney as I start this. And I need to be awake at 6 am to get ready for a meeting at work. My boyfriend better not think I will be cuddling because MAMA NEED SLEEP WHEN I GET TO HIS PLACE!)

Lachlan's POV

Contrary to popular belief. None of the boys are gay. Well ok that's a lie. Mitch, Rob and I were bisexual. But it just sucked that the guys we were shipped with weren't. I can picture little Poofless babies running around and having fun while Merome babies are climbing on everything. And me and Vikk. My sweet, beautiful Indian curry ball.

Lachlan: "I love you."

Vikk: "I know."

Lachlan: "Can I ask you something Vikk?"

Vikk: "Yeah of course man. Ask me anything you like."

Lachlan: "Why do you think we are so close?"

Vikk: "Are you asking me about us? Or are you asking me because you have become so infatuated with me that I've literally seen you deny one girls number who was just, The absolute most gorgeous woman in the world. And you even turned down Jay but luckily he got with that other girl."

Lachlan: "I don't know."

The Six of us were all finally together. Including a few friends. Jon and his boyfriend were with us as well but all I cared about was the small boy above me. Everyone thought because he was smaller that he would always sit in my lap. But I never let him. He was straight. Hell that "gorgeous" girl that he mentioned is now his beautiful and incredible girlfriend. She knows all about us. Hell she even said she shipped it which was pretty funny. She knows Vikk wouldn't do anything with me. So she is fine with me being who I am. She actually tries to make me be myself. I've become so sheltered lately. It's not through anyone else's fault but my own. But still.

Lachlan: "I feel like a horrible person. Like I'm selfish. I'm not allowed to think this way and always try to stop myself in any way I can. Trying to find something I hate about you. Or trying to find something to turn me off you. But I can't do it. Your perfect in every fucking way. And even when you talk. Your voice is like a thin layer of satin running along my skin. I get goosebumps when you fucking laugh Vikk. And don't even get me started on your laugh. Oh my days it's like an angel them self just fucking blessed you."

I could see him giggling to himself as I listed off all the things I would regularly Think about. I had never been this honest before. It was a scary concept for me. And new territory all together. I was never like this. I never had confidence. And I know these guys liked it when I was open with my emotions. They usually just let me talk about it if I'm having a bad day. They know what I'm like. And I'm so happy I'm with my friends.

Vikk: "Lachlan you're incredible, you're hilarious. And everything about you screams happiness. Even when your sad we had to get Rob to literally sit on you. Before you would stop thinking about everyone else. Your so selfless and your natural instinct to protect your friends and be so calm and helpful has literally helped us all in some way or another. Your a brilliant guy Lachlan. With so many redeeming qualities about you. I have told you, many times before how sorry I am that in this life time we could not be together. That maybe before in a previous life, we knew each other really well, or even dated. But please don't ever think your selfish or pathetic in any way because of how you feel. You can't help that. I know it's hard because you have trapped yourself in this mind set for so long. But please listen to me Lachlan. I'm never going to ever leave or walk out on your life. Your my best friend and I love you to death and would do anything for you. I just can't be what you need the most. And that's someone to hold you and tell you how special you are, how amazing your personality is, and how fucking generous you are with your time and your effort."

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