Getting Along

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(So I wanted to go back and find the Vlog where this happened but I couldn't be bothered so enjoy this from a few years back. I remember when this was first released oh man.)

Rob's POV


I looked up to see my beautiful boy running towards me, he looked so excited with his now brown spiked up hair and I don't know how he was let to do that.

Rob: "Hey Little Lachy how was your flight?"

Lachlan: "It was good. I finished my book though so I was bored for a couple of hours but It's ok because I'm here now."

He had just turned 11 about two weeks ago and as a present his mum was sending him over to me for him to celebrate. Do I regret what I did with her? Yeah absolutely. But if it means I get to watch this beautiful young man growing up then I would do it over and over. I don't care what anyone says, even that bitch we call Lachlan's mother. When you have a child, You can't leave them. You stay with them through thick and thin, anything you do is for them. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lachlan: "Dad? You're thinking again. Are you ok? Do you miss mum?"

I looked at my boy and picked him up, hugging him while he half screamed and yelled to let go while he burst into laughter. After a few seconds I finally put him back down as he giggled to himself. How the fuck was I going to tell him.

Rob: "We talked about this remember? Your mother and I had found that the differences between us were too big and we could no longer try to fix them."

Lachlan: "So does that mean you two won't ever be together again? Like in the movies?"

I saw his face drop with a hint of sadness as I grabbed his hand. Squeezing lightly.

Rob: "No mate. But if it makes you feel any better, I'm sure you will make a tonne of friends while you're here."

He still seemed disheartened and it killed me. Every time he started thinking, he wouldn't stop. I loved my boy more than anything, and he was only 11. He was way too smart for his age and I know that made him upset as well. Being so far ahead of the other kids made it hard to make friends but he tried.

Rob: "Hey come on Lachlan, You know I wouldn't ever say anything that was untrue."

Lachlan: "Yeah dad I know it's just. Did mum say how long I would be here for? It's not that I don't want to see you, I do I really do. But I have school and I need to get back for any projects and homework I get given."

Rob: "You are 11? What kind of homework are they giving you to where you can't even enjoy your holidays?"

Lachlan: "My teacher Mr Grain made me take the school test to see whether I should be bumped up a grade, I finished year 6 a whole three months early. I'm going into high school next year and I'm 11. Dad I'm not mature enough for that. I still can't even tie my own shoe laces."

Rob: "You can't?"

Lachlan: "No. Mum never taught me and you left a long time ago."

Rob: "I didn't leave mate, I would never leave you."

Lachlan: "But you did. Yeah you payed child support, or actually double what you needed to pay so that I would always be able to do anything I needed but mum she..."

We had since walked back to the car and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I wonder if his mum had told him or not?

Lachlan: "I hate being at school. I'm too far ahead of people my own age for them to be my friends, and they bully me for being smarter than them, calling me a nerd and stupid four-eyes because of my glasses. I hate it. I wish I wasn't ever smart."

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