Stream Sniper

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Jay's POV

Jay: "Was it something I did or said to him? I mean. I try so hard to make him happy but he always seems so melancholy. He always seemed so down and upset. He never smiles anymore. He use to smile all the time. I'm scared I've done something to him or something has happened and he won't tell me. Surely I haven't hurt him have I? I don't know what I would do if I did."

Lachlan: "Jay. Mate.First of all. Calm the fuck down. It is 3 in the morning."

Jay: "But he's awake I know he is. I'm scared to talk to him."

Lachlan: "Have you thought about maybe sleeping? You know that thing where you close your eyes and shut the fuck up and lay comatose in the same position without moving for about 8 hours?"

Jay: "Lachlan I'm serious. Your my best friend and I'm freaking out."

Lachlan: "I know I'm your best friend. I have been for a long time. But he's changed you.Your not as happy as you use to be and we all notice it. Even Preston and Jerome asked me if you were ok. You weren't very happy in your last video man. Your scaring us."

Jay: "I'm scaring you guys? What the hell. Lachlan I'm freaking the fuck out. And I have been for over three weeks now. Every single day I'll talk to him and it's like he doesn't care. I see him at school and it's like he just doesn't know how to smile anymore. And I feel like it was something I did because I was the last person he spoke to before we got to school and he just."

Lachlan: "Jay. If you know he is still up we both know what he is doing. Why don't you hop into his stream on a false account or something? See if you can lurk or something. I don't know. I just need to get some sleep. I have to get up in fucking 5 hours dude. I told you yesterday I'm flying over to see Preston and Landon."

Jay: "You mean Preston and your boyfriend."

Lachlan: "Shut up Jay or I'll out you to him."

I put my phone on the desk next to me. No one knew I was gay. It was a complete secret. I don't even think my parents knew. But I had been in a relationship with Henry for about 4 months now. But over the past couple of weeks. He's been so sad. He almost doesn't talk to me unless I message him first. And whenever I do. It's usually a one worded answer. I keep trying to make him talk. I even invited him over to my place for tonight but he stayed at home saying he was sick. But I know he isn't because I got the notification that he was streaming. Maybe Lachlan was onto something with a false account. I made a false account with some stupid name. I jumped into his stream and waited for the Ad to finish before I could start watching.

Henry:...But yeah I'm feeling a lot better now Chloe thanks for asking. Sorry I'm a bit late."

Chloe:"Nah it's fine man. I'm glad your better. Was it just a bug maybe?"

Harry:"Nope. Migraines. They have been hitting hard over the past couple of weeks and it sucks. I try to ignore them while at school but they fucking kill. Mum gave me some Nurofen so I should be ok. Lucky it's a Saturday so I can stay up and play."

Chloe:"Where's your mum?"

Henry:"At work. She set up a mattress in the Office for her if she ever had to do a night then a day shift. It sucks because each Saturday to Sunday she isn't home and I do miss her but we both know work comes first."

Chloe:"Oh honey that is tragic."

Henry:"Oi nah fuck off stealing my lines now."

I heard them both laugh to each other. Chloe and Henry had been friends for a few months now. Since Henry started streaming at stupid times for us. He has made a lot more friends over seas. It was great. I wish we were finished with school already. Or were able to just leave. Then we could go with Lachlan when he traveled for YouTube. I will never understand why he is able to do all that travelling. He never seems to be short on money.

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