Uncomfortable Prt 2

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(So I got asked to do apart 2. I told them I wouldn't for a long time but that was because I would be worrying about Jumping ship and I'm still deciding on whether I even want to continue Eight Months because I don't feel like that book needed a sequel. The only reason I did a part two is because yesterday while staying with my friend I was supposed to attend a party. This story came about only because I didn't feel comfortable being there and I ended up having a bad panic attack and got my way home. So here you go. Hope you like it.)

Preston's POV

I couldn't do it. I couldn't stay there. I mean yeah in one way I'm glad Jay said he could take me away from there. But I was still afraid. I mean anyone would be but Jay kept telling me I had nothing to worry about. That I was panicking over nothing.

Jay: "Hey. Are you ok?"

We had been riding in his car for five minutes. After Lachlan told me how worried about me was.Jay got me out of there pretty much instantaneously. He took me outside and waited with me. Refusing to let me in the car for five minutes. Telling me to just breathe for a little bit. Before asking me one last time if I was sure about what I was about to do. That's what he did every chance he got. He always asked me if I was ok. If I was feeling better.

Preston: "I'm fine."

Jay: "Preston you have said that every single time I've asked you. I'm starting to think your not fine."

Preston: "Your asking me how I felt. But I can't tell you anything else. Because I know that literally anything else would spur you into a tirade on making sure I was ok. If I keep telling you I'm fine I might start believing my own delusions and then I can be a bit more convincing the next time I say it."

Jay: "How long have you been saying that to yourself?"

Preston: "I have been telling myself that for years. I have to half trick myself into thinking I can't leave once I'm there."

Jay: "So is that why you came so much earlier?"

Preston: "I came over a few days ago and I'm going to be here for another week or so."

Jay: "Hey there was another guy as well He's American right? Fuck what was his name?"

Preston: "The only other Americans are my cousin Landon, Mitch and Jerome that he would have brought over. Then Vikk's from England and Rob is Canadian."

Jay: "Oh then he's the Canadian one. He seemed to be having the time of his life."

Preston: "He's a lot more... Open with himself then the rest of us are about our secrets and our lives."

Jay: "You don't say.Just as we were leaving I was watching Lachlan and Rob. They were having so much fun. Well as much as fun you can have while attacking someone's face."

Preston: "Wait they were like. Making out or whatever?"

Jay: "Yeah. I didn't know whether anyone knew but after seeing that. In front of everyone.I'd say the secret is out."

I went silent at the realisation that he was gay. Or bi or something. I kind of felt guilty and a little sad. I had told him that I thought he was cute and everything you would do for someone you had a crush on and he turned me down which was fine. But it was that he told me he was straight. If he had just said no he didn't like me like that then it's fine. You can't help who you like I guess. Even if you have no chance you can't help that feeling.

Jay: "You liked him didn't you?"

Preston: "A little bit ago."

Jay: "By your tone I guess he said he was straight?"

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