Chapter 38; Happily Ever After

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Jasmine's p.o.v

It was beautiful. Every last detail was perfect. I looked out he window of the large mansion, into the back yard that my wedding was being held.

Last minute touches were being applied. Ribbon tied in a perfect bow at the end of every chair, red roses bundled up, and a beautiful wedding arch that sat at the end of the aisle.

One by one my family and friends entered the venue into the lobby of the mansion. I stepped out the small hotel room and peaked over the stairs. Small snacks and drink was passed around.

Hundred of people stood in front of me. All of these people here for me, to see me and the love of my life get married.

I ran back in the room and looked in the mirror. I looked perfect. My hair was curled loosely, my lipstick was as red as the roses in my bouquet, and my life was perfect.

A subtle knock came upon the door. "Who is it?" I yelled, running to the door as fast as I could.

The dress pooled around my ankles, as my heels weren't lifting me up yet. "Its harry," They whispered. I opened the door slowley, letting him in.

"Niall wanted me to give you this. He said he wanted you to read it." I nodded my head and took the small folded paper from him.

He hugged me and walked out. I sat in a chair and opened the crumpled paper.

Dear the love of my life,

Never in a million years would I have thought I would end up with someone as perfect as you. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day, the one person that keeps me going in life. You are my one and only.

You have given me everything I could have dreamed of. Two beautiful children, a wonderful life to live, and hapiness.

You make me so happy, the happiest man alive. I say that proudly, because it's true.

I'll see you walking down the aisle and I know I will start falling in love with you all over again. Just like I do ever single morning I wake up and see your face.

From the beginning to the end, you will be mine. You will be my angel, my love, and my life.

I love you.


My heart stopped, I was ready. I'm ready to do this. I lifted my self up from my seat and looked out the window, seat were taken. I turn and see the door knob opening. "Are you ready?" Liam asked, holding his hand out.

I nod, the biggest smile glued to my face.

I put my heels on and walked to Liam. He walked me down the stairs.

One by one people started to walk down the aisle. Everything was perfect, peaceful, and great.

Everyone stood as Liam walked me out the door. My heart pounded as I saw Niall. He looked very handsom.

Everyone in the years disappeared. It was just us. It was nothing but love, I bond I could never share with anyone else.

Niall was right, we are going to be in this for life. He's my one and only, my prince, my love.

Before I could even process my own thoughts, I stood at the end of the aisle. Awaiting to be in Niall's arms for eternity.

"Do you give, Jazmine Payne, away to this man, Niall Horan?" Asked the priest, gesturing to Liam.

"Yes, sir. I do." Liam smiled.

I ran to Niall, actually throwing my bouquet on the ground and hugged him as tight as I could. All the guests erupted in laughter.

I pulled away, looking Niall in his beautiful blue eyes. "I'm sorry," I giggle. "I'm couldn't wait any longer."

Me and Niall stood to face eachother as the priest opened his bible. "We are gathered here today," started the priest.

All his words were faint to me. All I could do was stare at this beautiful man infront of me. He is mine, mine forever.

I turned my head and saw Liam and Danielle. Thanks to them, I have this. I have an eternity of happiness waiting for me.

"Jazmine, please read your vows."

I completly forgot about the paper that was stuffed away in my dress, and just started to talk.

"Niall, I know this is it. We are in love, and we will be forver. Not a day goes by without me thinking about how lucky I am to have you, and every single on of the boy. I'm lucky to have Liam and Danielle. Beyond lucky to have two beautiful children. Thank you, Niall. You have lived me unconditionally and I couldn't thank you enough."

"Niall, please." The priest says.

"Jazz, you are my one and only. I can't think of my life without you. From the day I first saw you I knew I loved you. I will never change, this will never change. You are mine and always will be."

I smiled, looking at Niall. I was beyond anxious to kiss this man.

"Do you, Niall Horan, take the, Jazmine Payne, to be you wife?" He looked at me, deep in the eyes. "I do."

"Do you, Jazmine Payne, take the, Niall Horan, to be your husband?" I smiled wide, squeezing his hands. "I do. A million times, I do."

We placed rings on our fingers. I started to jump up and down as a priest was saying his final words. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Niall pulled me close and kissed me. His lips moved in sync with mine and my heart melted. I was Jazmine Horan. I am kissing my husband. I have a family with this man, and will love him forever.

After the ceremony ended and pictures began. I couldn't stop thinking about him being mind forever.

After everything was over, we headed to the reception hall.

"Now introducing, Mr. and Mrs. Horan!"

This is it, my life. I have two gorgeous kids, a beautiful husband, 4 brothers, an amazing mother and father, and the best life I could have ever wished for.

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