Chapter 22; House Hunting

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It's only 10:12 A.M. and I've looked at 3 houses and 5 apartments. None of them were right. Too small, not enough room, not a big enough kitchen, or not enough storage space.

The house from the other night had my heart. My expectation were to find a house or apartment that is like that one.

The realtor led us to another apartment. "Two bedroom, one bathroom." I looked around and shook my head, "No." the realtor turned to me. "Maybe some lunch will do, meet me back here at 1."

I could tell the women was stressed. Her fingers ran aimlessly through her artificial curls and bleach blond highlights. He heels clacked against the hard wood floor as the door slammed.

Me and Niall went home. I popped on my bed and pulled my laptop near me. "What are you doing, babe?" Niall asked, putting pictures and other things into a box. We started packing already so we can move out as soon as possible.

"Just little things for the house." I purchased bits a pieces and turned to my side. "I'm going to Starbucks." Niall said, taping a box shut and pulling it with him. I had too much on my mind to even ask about his actions with the box.

"Can you get me a Vanilla Iced Coffee?" I said, rolling over and rest my head on a pillow. "Decaf," I smiled.

Niall leaned down and kissed my lips, leaving with his wallet, keys, and box.

As Niall left I went into Danielle's office. "Hey, Sweetie." Danielle said, turning to me and pulling her hair out her face. "You look stressed, what's wrong?" Danielle said, pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"The night Niall asked me to move out with him, we saw this abandoned house. The door was open so we went in, and it's beautiful." My heart stopped talking about it.

"Usually, when people get their first place, its rent." I sighed, "that house is for sale."

Danielle stroked my arm and pulled me in for a hug. I start crying, I never knew that look for a home would be so stressful.

"I know how this can get, Jasmine. Especially when you already have a house in mind and have to look at houses that can't even compare."

Niall returned with my drink and 4 muffins. Danielle and I looked at her shots and which ones we liked. 1:00 rolled around and it was time for us to meet the realtor again. We met her back at the apartments and looked at three others in the building and 2 more houses in the area.

By 7:00 we had looked at 8 more apartments and 4 more houses. Niall pulled up to a Nando's and looked at me. "I'm sorry, Jasmine. We'll find a house."

I shrugged my shoulders and went into the place. We ate our dinner and discussed other location for our realtor to look into. Niall picked his phone up, "Excuse me. I need to make some phone calls."

Niall and I started to walk around the same neighborhood that my dream house was in. Looking for possible options here.

We turned the corner and saw the house. The beautiful brick house sitting on the corner. I heart dropped when I saw a light in the large window in the house.

"Niall," I said. I pointed to the light. "Someone is in the house."

I also noticed that the "For Sale" sign was gone. My heart sunk in my chest. I needed to look in the house one more time.

I wasn't scared. I ran up the stairs and pushed the door open. I walked in the house. I was shocked, my heart pounded.

A battery powered flashlight sat in each corner of the living room. All the tarps were folded in the hall and the walls were covered in pictures.

As if my imagination of how I would decorate the living room came to life. A picture of me and every important person in my life hung tight on the wall in a solid black frame.

I turned to see Niall standing by the door. "I could tell you weren't into all those other places." Niall said, pulling me to him.

"Did you do this, Niall?" I asked, looking around the room again. "You're amazing. You're the best person ever. Therefore, you deserve the best."

My eyes welled with tears as I stared at Niall. "When we were at the house for lunch I called the realtor and we got a good deal on the house. While we were at Nando's I called Liam to get the box of pictures and the lights to do this."

I smiled at him, "Thank you." I kissed his lips. "Jasmine," he said hugging me. "This is our new home." I looked around, I'm home.

Of course it need work, a lot to be exact. But tomorrow is the start of this house being brand new.

Niall took me home and all I could do is stay awake and think of the new things I'm going to do with the house.

I stayed in Danielle's office printing out color palettes and I finally finished that. I also changed my address in all my credit cards and such. I ordered towels, rags, and carpets. My heart was pounding and I was filled with excitement.

Once I woke up this morning we went and got paint and wasted no time fixing up the house. Everything was now coming together. All the stress is gone and now I'm just excited to spend the red of my life with Niall.

By the end of the night the whole downstairs was painted and the porch was redone. We also brought up the tile in the kitchen and bathroom and started looking at samples for that.

When we arrived home we all took turns taking showers. I cannot wait to be in my home showering, sleeping, cooking, and having little get together.

It's my home.

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