Chapter 7; Truth or Dare

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Jasmine's P.O.V

Me, Niall, Liam, and Zayn where all sitting in the living room. The TV was the only sound that was filling the atmosphere. Niall's arm was around my shoulders and the other boys were sprawled out everywhere else. Nothing happened today, it was more of a lazy day. We ordered some pizza and watched movies.

Suddenly, we heard heavy footsteps coming from the stairs. We all turned our attention to the stairs case and waited for something or someone to come down.

Turns out that it was just a hyper Louis and Harry. I smiled at them as Harry stated, "We are bored, we haven't done anything all day. What do want to do?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked at everyone else.

"What do you guys think?" I asked, not having any ideas. They all groaned and stared and Louis and Harry. "Nothing," Zayn groaned in annoyance at the two boys. "Can't we just sleep?"

"Truth or Dare?" Niall said, shrugging and looking at Louis and Harry for assurance.

Louis sat down and patted his lap, Harry sat on it, "Yes, I agree!" He smiled, looking up at Harry. "What do you think, Hazza?" Louis says, smiling up at Harry. Harry also agreed as Zayn sat up. "I guess we can!"

Louis rubbed up and down Harry's arm and pulled him to sit next to him. Louis rested his head on his shoulder and nodded for us to start.

Harry looked around, "Who is gonna start?" He said after a while, I shrugged. I joined Harry and looked around the room.

"Guess I will," I said. "Truth or Dare, Harry? " I said simply, putting my head on Niall's shoulder.

"Dare!" He replied. I decided to add little more Larry. After all, aren't they the cutest couple ever?

"I dare you to kiss Lou." I said, he shrugged, "Thats to easy." he stated, scoffing. He shrugged his shoulders and turned his head towards Louis.

He kissed Louis, and it was just a peck. Although, it looked like Louis enjoyed it a bit to much. Louis put his hand on Harry's cheek and caressed it. "I love you, Harry."

"Liam, truth or dare?" Harry asked. In response Liam shrugged,"Truth." he said, sighing.

Everyone groaned as Liam waited patiently for the question. Harry pondered over his thoughts for a moment until something finally came to mine.

"Why did you take Jasmine into our home? Nothing against you!" He quickly added, to make sure he didn't offend me in any way. "It's just," he stopped one more time, holding his hands up in defense.  "I love you, Jazz. I was kind of just wondering what made you have the desire to just be a guardian."

I didn't take any offense to the situation. Honestly, I was curious to what made Liam decide to take me in as well. After all, it's not everyday a famous member of a boy band decides to let a random fan live with them.

Liam looked up, making full eye contact with me, said, "When I saw her at the Meet and Greet she handed me her iPod, and I saw scars. I told her to wait with Paul. She kept saying no, but I wouldn't take that for an answer." He laughed slightly. "Of course, she was scared to just be thrown back stage for a hour." He chuckled and continued, "But she did. She told me her story and I felt like I had to do something. I felt I needed to take control and do something to help her. I dropped her off at the foster. While she went to her room I made the decision that I wanted to be there for her. That I felt like she needed someone there to help her realise how important she is."

Liam smiled and looked down, playing with his fingers. "I wanted her to be happy, have a real family. Now she has Niall, a loving caring boyfriend, and a guardian and three amazing friends." he said, with a large smile. "I'm positive that no one will ever love her as much as we do. I can always promise you that we are always here to make sure you are happy and safe."

"Oh my god, Liam! I love you so much! Thank you for everything!" I ran over and hugged him like my life depended on it.

Oh, Liam. I seriously could not thank him enough. He has honestly saved my life and made me realise how much of a purpose I have. Our heart felt moment was ruined by Louis sighing in frustration.

"May we please continue?" He says, rolling his eyes and cuddling further into Harry.

"Okay," I said. "Calm down, we can start again!" I tell Louis as I move across the room, back to my previous seat.

"Louis, truth or dare?" Liam asked Louis. Louis jumped in exciment as Louis replied with as loud "dare."

Liam's P.O.V

"Truth or dare?" Harry asked, Jazz. Jazmine roamed her eyes to Harry and shrugged, "Truth."

Jazmine sighed once more, laying her head back on Niall.

"Are you a virgin?" he aked smirking. Immediately, Jasmine got very uncomfortable in her seat and looked around. "Can I not share it?" She quietly asked as she leaned more into Niall. "Come on!" Louis said edging her on. "It's just a silly question." The boy constantly brought it upon her to answer the very stupid and irrelevant question.

Jasmine then shook her head and got off the couch. She gave Harry and Louis a dirty look before letting out a sob. She ran off and up the stairs. Everyone looked back and a look of regret was planted on everyone's face. Niall looked around before following her.

They went upstairs and all the boy's attention was on me. They all nudged me on, as if they were expecting me to tell them the cause for the events that just occurred. Although, I need to respect Jasmine and if she would like to tell them or not.

"Liam," Louis said. I turned my head to them and they all motioned for me to tell. "I'm not sure if I should say it." I stated, looking down. "You should, just in case." Zayn said, "What if we do something else to trigger it? We wouldn't know that we did it." I nodded and agreed.

I took a deep breath, looking around the room once more, and began, "Well, when she was in middle school, she was bullied. She told her mum later on that year. As a result, her mother took her out of public school and decided to home school her."

I paused and took a breath before beginning again. "Her mum had to go on a trip to visit her sick grandmother. She never came back as she died in a car crash. Her dad was diagnosed with depression and abused and raped her to let out his anger and sadness. One night, the neighbours heard and called the police and that's how she ended up in a orphanage." I finished. I looked and the boys were shocked.

They all have sympathy towards the story and apologized about their actions. "It's ok." I said.

"Let's go to bed." I suggested and found my feet as I made my way upstairs. I didn't feel like sitting and explaining anything else. That is Jasmine's thing to tell them.

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