Chapter 1; Adopted

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I pulled the covers over my head in attempt to block out the sun rays. Although, they powered through and burned my eyes. I grunted and pushed the covers off me.

I looked around and noticed the two other beds were empty. Figuring they were already up and going about their day, I started to get ready for mine.

I pulled my covers off my bed and started to fulfill my morning duties. First on the list is make my bed. My foster home is very organized and strict. If you don't fulfill your duties, your plans later that day will be cancelled and replaced with cleaning or babysitting.

After making the bed, I had to shower. My foster parent is very clean. You must shower ever morning after waking up, and every evening before your rest.

I grabbed my towel and hopped in. As I was showering I looked down at my arm. My arm was fresh with cuts from the previous day. Yesterday, I didn't complete my laundry. In result, I spent the day cleaning the boys bathroom and babysitting Carter and Casey.

I live in a foster home with a few other children who have similar stories to mine. We've all been here for an equal amount of time. Other than Carter and Casey. I live in a room with two other girls my age, Stacey and Ally. There are also three younger girls in the room next door. Stacey and Ally are both seventeen, I am eighteen. The girls next door, Cara, Leigh, and Julie, are ten. I also live with three babies. Carter and Casey, who are twin boys, and Aiden.

It's a full house, I'm aware. Although, three per room usually fits well here. My time in the shower came to an end when Ally started banging on the door, yelling at me to hurry as breakfast is ready and the wait was for me.

I hurried out and dressed into an olive green sweater, black jeans, and black Vans. I looked in the mirror and quickly braided my hair. I ran down the stairs and sat at the table with all the children around me.

This morning, it was my turn to feed Carter, Casey, and Aiden. I have to spoon feed the babies, although Aiden is four and knows how to eat by himself, thankfully.

After breakfast, it was my task to clean the table and floors. I made them shine to assure my plans would stay in place. I looked at the calendar board and also noticed it was my turn to clean the room. I looked at the clock, 11:38.

The time everything has to be done is 12:00. My heart bumped as I quickly ran up the stairs and wiped down every counter top, mirror, and head board. I cleaned the floor to where you could see a small sparkle from the reflection of the sun. I flattened every wrinkle in the three beds.

I heard my foster parent yell for us to come down the stairs. We all sat at the dining room table. This is how our normal everyday was like this.

You see what is on your list, do it, and await for her to check you off to do as you wish that day.

She went one by one, approving and disapproving plans, until she landed on me. She listed the things I did over the morning, one by one.

"Teen room, kitchen table, kitchen floors." She checked things off the list as I nodded my head. She sighed and looked at me, "Your plans for the evening, Ms. Jasmine?" She said, lowering her clipboard.

I looked across the table at Ally. Only she knew my true plans. I was planning on going to meet One Direction. They are my favorite band, my favorite people in the world. Although, Mrs. Jones doesn't allow us to even listen to music. She makes us listen to the classical music station on the radio, to help with our piano lessons.

"I was planning on going to the mall." She looked me up and down, "I see." She said, narrowing her eyes in my direction. "I approve."

I did a small happy dance in my seat as she dismissed us. I ran to my room with Ally and closed the door. I threw my money, IPod, headphones, and train ticket in my bag.

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