Chapter 21; Midnight Memories

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We sat quietly at a table in the far back of the venue. Waiters coming and pouring our refills and making sure we had everything. I nibbled at my food and shared small conversations about our day to each other.

"Eleanor is amazing!" I said, going on and on about how me and her are soon going to be best friends. Although, Niall just nodded on. After dinner we went for a walk up and down the block.

We found our way to a small, quiet neighborhood. Unlike any other neighborhood, the street lights lighted up the road as if the sun was out. There was a small park at nearly every corner of each street each house was large, made of brick, with porches wrapped around.

We walked past a house that stood out to me in particular. It looked just as the other houses did, but it seemed run down.

A "For Sale" sign was weakly stuck in the ground. The navy green paint for the porch was peeling up and the red door was crooked and nearly half way open.

I found myself walking up to the door, hearing the old wood crack beneath my feet. "Jasmine," Niall yearly screamed at me. His pulled me back from my shoulder. "What are you doing? This is trespassing."

I shrugged. I may be 18 and considered an adult, but I'm still a child. I want to explore and adventure this nearly destroyed house. "Come on, Niall." I smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards me. "Live a little."

Niall's features showed an uneasy feeling. I pushed myself to my toes and kissed his lips. "No need to worry, babe." I giggled, pulling him up the porch more. His features softened as I pushed open the door.

I made a loud squeal as I made my way through. I pulled out my phone and turned on a flash light. A large living space was seen, the floor covered with tarps and old buckets of paint. As I made my way back, Niall trailed behind me.

I looked around and couldn't help but start thinking about where I would place furniture, or a large shelf with family photos. Even though it was in the middle of the summer season, I couldn't help but think a Christmas tree would look beautiful my the fire place.

"A couch right here," I began. I gestured to where it would be. "Love seat here, and a ottoman and chair in that corner." I nearly ran across the room, "Here." I touched the jagged wall of uneven paint, "Pictures. Endless pictures of you, me, Liam. Everyone."

I turned to see Niall smiling. I went back to a small hall off of the living room, right next to the stair case. I went down the hall and saw a bed room. "A guest room," I smiled.

"A bed would look stunning here. The television hanging up here, right above the dresser."

After about two or three hours on wandering around this house, I saw the potential it had. Five bedrooms, three bathrooms, sun room, pool, and a pool house. I was in love with the idea of this house. Although, it's not mine.

"I suppose we can leave now." I heart dropped as I found my way to the front door, hearing the loud squeal as I pulled the door shut.  

Niall and I walked down to the park and sat on a swing. "That house was so beautiful, I loved it." I told Niall, pulling him into me. I know, Jasmine. Hopefully we'll have one like it soon."

I nodded my head slowly and started to think about being with Niall more and more. Six months, six long months of being with Niall. Maybe moving out and having our own life in our own home could be nice. Although, I'm not sure if Niall is ready for it. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. It all seemed so surreal right now that i didn't know what to think or how to think of it.

I kissed Niall's lips, letting all worry I had wash away. "Jasmine," he said. He pulled away and held my hands. "I love you, you know that?"

"Of course, Niall." I laughed. "I love you more." I smiled, pulling him in for another kiss. He pulled away a little and grasped my hands tighter. "What's wrong?" I asked, standing and looking at him. I tried pulling hands away and putting them around his neck, until he pulled them back into his hands and sat them by his waist.

"I wanted to say this at dinner but I was scared." He pulled away some more and looked me in the eyes. "I want to move out of Liam's house. It was fun at first but it's me and you, Jasmine. I want to start our lives together."

I heart swelled with joy as I kissed his lips. I pulled and grinned at the boy in front of me. I'm in love with him. I've never felt this adoring feeling in my life. I silently nodded my head, at a loss for words. The only word I was able to mutter out was a simple "Yes."

Niall laughed and hugged my waist. He lifted me off my feet and spun me around. He showered my with small kisses around my face, the final one landing on my lips.

The whole walk to the car was filled with little fits of laughter and jokes about how our new place is going to be the best house anyone has ever seen. The house I went into was now a distant memory. I'd never see myself living there, at least not in the near future.

Once we arrived home it was around 1 a.m. and Liam was sitting on the couch. Niall pushed me against the wall, without taking notice to Liam, and started to kiss down my neck.

"Ahem," Liam scoffed. Niall looked up and back away. He folded his arms behind his back. A giggle escaped from my mouth as Liam scolded me for it.

"I was worried, I thought you'd say before 12, Jasmine." Liam folded his arms over his chest and scolded Niall.

"I'm sorry Liam, but we were just having some fun." I smiled widely at the thought of living with Niall. It was the only thing on my mind. "Me and Jasmine are getting our own house, Liam." Niall said, pulling his hands out and grabbing mine.

Liam nodded, "Okay. I suppose it's time for Jasmine to move out."

We all decided it was time to go to bed. As I went upstairs I thought about the time I've spent in this home. Around 2 years of living here and my life couldn't be better.

I look back to my life before these boys came into my life. I can't imagine it anymore, not without my family.

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