Chapter 34; Twins!

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When we arrived to the hospital, Maddie and I started to walk in as Niall grabbed the bags. "Help she's in labor!" Maddie yelled. Shortly after, a nurse came and brought us a wheel chair.

We were wheeled down to a room and I was given medicine. Luckily, it wasn't too late to be given an Epidural.

My contractions had calmed down and I was lying peacefully in my bed. The doctor came in every hour or so to see how many centimeters I was dilated and all I was able to eat were ice chips.

Maddie sat close to my bed as Niall wandered around the hospital. "I'm so excited to meet them!" She smiled while laying back on the couch. "Maddie," I laughed. "Maybe you should get some rest! You were awaken in the middle of the night, I'm sure you're tired." She shrugged a bit, "Not really."

Soon, Maddie was fast asleep and so was I. I was awaken by a sound in my room. I look over to see Harry and Ally close to my bed side.

I rolled over and winced in pain. Ally came to my side and held my hand. "Everything ok, Jazz?" I nodded as a nurse walked in and check some things. She gave me more medicine.

"Did you guys want to leave? I'm going to check how far along we are!" Harry walked out and Ally kept a firm grip on my hand as I felt a bit of pressure before the doctor smiled at me. "Eight centimeters! Very, very close. Although each person is different so it could take a while."

Hours of medicine and ultrasounds, I was nine centimeters dilated. All the boys had gone home and Harry and Ally took Madison with them.

Niall sat next to my bed as I started to fall asleep. I winced in pain and held my stomach. I felt a bit of pressure as Niall held my hand. "Is everything ok? Jazmine, What's wrong?" Niall said while putting his phone down and coming near me, attempting to help. "Get a nurse!" I rolled as he pushed his chair and ran to the door.

A doctor came in and started to check a few things, giving me more medication. She then checked, looking up and smiling. "Ten centimeters."

I looked up at Niall and he smiled, "We're having a baby!" I laughed, "Babies!"

The nurse then lifted my legs and asked a few other to come in.

They all looked around and then at me. I sighed. I was nervous, after this I was going to be a mother. There is no second guesses or trying to get out of this. I'm giving birth.

These past nine months have been amazing. I've been preparing and ready, but all of a sudden I'm nervous.

All I could do was push. Pressure appeared on my lower abdomen as Niall held my hand.

A nurse came beside me and wiped the beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Three other nurses and my doctor stood and the bottom of the bed, preparing for the babies to come out.

I gave up and laid back. I took a deep breath before the nurse looked at me. "I can't do it!" I yelled and cried. Niall kisses my cheek as I continued to cry. "Calm down, honey." Said the nurse next to me. "Once that baby is out, everything will be ok."

I sat up and took in a deep breath. "Ok, come on. You got this!" Said the nurse as I pushed out one more time.

Three pushes later I heard a loud screech. I looked down to see the nurse holding my baby. "It's a girl!" She smiled as he handed the baby to the nurse next to her. She took her away to clean her as the other nurse look down.

His eyebrows furrowed as she looked a bit alarmed. "The baby is breeched!" She screamed as the nurses threw on gear and started to wheel me elsewhere.

"What's happening?" Niall said as he ran next to me. "The baby has been caught. He can not breath." I️ started to breath heavily as a mask and planted onto my face.

I️ see Niall be handed a blue outfit and a mask and doors busting open. Soon, I️ was in a room and I️ was very numb. I️ was getting tired and was prepared to fall asleep.

Although I️ was wide awake, and able to hear everything in the room. Niall was standing right over me. He kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear that everything was going to be okay.

Soon a heard another cry, but it was nothing like the first one. It was a gargle. As if some liquid was caught in their throat and they were drowning. My baby was taken away immediately and I️ started to cry.

I️ turn to the die slowly and see Niall sobbing. What's happening? Is my son dead?

That's the last thing I️ remember before being waken up by a small cry. I️ open my eyes and look around to see one carrier and Niall carrying one baby. People crowded over him as she made the small noises.

"Where's James?" I️ asked as Niall looked at me. He smiled a little before handing me Ivy. "She's beautiful!" Ally and Madison said. I️ started to tear up as I️ kissed her head. Although, someone was missing from this amazing picture. "Where is James?" I️ asked one more time.

Niall walked out as I️ continued to hug Ivy. A nurse came in and helped into a wheelchair and rolled me to the ICU. As we went done the hall a there was a door with "J. Horan" on the door. I️ was pushed in and saw James laying in a box. Wires and cords were attached to him and a heart monitor had a steady beat. I️ looked down at Ivy and started to cry.

"What happened?" I️ asked the nurse as she adjusted a few wires. "During birth, James came breeched. We did an emergency C-Section. When we came out he was gargling some of the fluid from the womb which caused us to have to give him special treatment."

I️ sat in the room with James and Ivy and cried for longer. I️ never felt so incomplete.

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