Chapter 12; More Texts

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Today, the boys and I had to get on a tour bus and make a two hour trip to the airport and make our way to Europe.

It's official, we are leaving this house. All the next promotions and shows the boys will be attending are where they live, back in Europe.

This is hard, very hard. I'm leaving where I basically grew up. The only things running through my mind are that I'm never going to see Ally again.

As I walked down the stairs I turned back to Ally. I handed her the silver iPod and hugged her again. "I'll find you," she cried. "We'll be together again."

That thought embedded into my mind. Everything made me shake. I picked up my phone and opened the "Kik" app that I had made and downloaded on the iPod. Just incase anything we're to happen we would message the Kik logged in on the iPod.

I typed the username and typed a message to send.

"Hey, Ally. As promised, every time we need help we message this Kik. I don't need help, I just wanted to tell you that I missed you dearly. I think about you all the time. Unfortunately, I'm leaving the country. I'm moving to Europe. But still, I won't give up on finding you and you do the same. You're not 18 yet, but when you are, come to me."

Almost instantly the message went to 'read.' My heart beat got faster as I saw the person typing.

"I miss you way more. But Mrs. Jones found the iPod and took it, I sneak to it every night to check it. She went out so i checked it again. And I will, Jazz. Six more months."

"I have to go, she is home."

I locked my phone and held it close. I laid back on my bed. My phone vibrated again, making me jump a bit. I picked my phone up, expecting to see a message from Ally, but it was from the unknown number.

"I'll se you today, I've missed you."

I choose to ignore the message and walk down stairs. Liam greets me, as did the other boys. "Where are your bags?" Liam asked, checking things off that he had. "Upstairs on my bed. They're heavy." I laughed, sitting on the couch. "I'll get them." Niall suggested, leaving the room.

"Did you want to go to Starbucks with me?" Louis asked putting his shoes on. "Yes!" I smiled while following his actions. Niall was walking down the stairs as we were leaving. He had all my bags and suitcases in his hands. "Where to?" He asked, coming off the stairs and plopping them down. "Starbucks," I replied. We took orders from the boys and went off to Starbucks.

On the way, Louis started asking about the messages. "Has the numbers sent you any texts?" He asked. "No," I lied.

He stopped asking and continued to drive. When we arrived we saw a few fans notice and we took pictures, answered questions. All usual when going on an outing.

Once we ordered, we sat for a moment. "So, the Texts just stopped?" He asked. "Yes," I lied. My phone vibrated as I pulled it out my pocket.

"You look gorgeous today."

I ignored the message a set my phone down, sipping my drink. "How's Eleanor?" I asked, trying to get my mind off the ridiculous text messages. "She great," he replied. "Hopefully you'll meet her when we go back home. She is amazing."

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