Chapter 17; Accidental Kiss

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Once again, the smell of rubbing alcohol and latex gloves burned my nose. I opened my eyes to be greeted with a head of curly hair sitting right next to my table.

Harry looked up to me and smiled. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Good morning, gorgeous."

Harry has always been a flirt. All the others always put it to the side, knowing that it was just the way he is. Although, it's not a lie that it sometimes makes me uncomfortable. I've had to tell Harry multiple times to chill out.

Even though I know Harry is just being a kind friend, I've never been the one to get to close to another guy when I have a boyfriend. Even though I've never had a boyfriend, it was still a promise to myself.

"Where are the others?" I asked sitting up and looking around the empty room. "They went to get clothes and stuff for you. You'll be discharged soon." Harry said. "That's exciting!" I smiled, pressing the button. "Why did u press the button?" He asked, confused. "I'm supposed to every time I wake up, and I'm kinda thirsty." Harry laughed and got up.

He leaned in to give me a hug. As he Came back up, his lips brushed against mine. I gasped lightly as he leaned in and continued to do the same thing. He pressed his lips to mine and sighed. He pulled away and smiled, leaning in again.

"Am I interrupting something?" We heard a female voice say from behind us. Harry pulled away and looked at her with a grin. "Not at all." The nurse continued through the door and smiled at me.

She ran a few tests before going to the clipboard and writing things down. "So tell me," she smiled. "How do you feel? Do you think your ready to go?"

I nodded, "Yes." I smiled. "I feel much better and think I can care for myself." She smiled at me and handed me some papers. "Please sign these and we'll send some medications. You hit your head so they are for any headaches."

I nodded, "Anything else?" She asked. "Can I get some water?" I asked, looking through the papers. "Yes, I'll be back."

Just as she left the room, Harry leaned in again. This time, I pushed him away. He gave me a confused look as I rolled my eyes. "Don't look at me like that." I nearly yelled. "Just a moment ago, you were kissing me. Now you don't want to?" He said, pulling away. "I didn't want to kiss you, Harry. It was an accident." I explain. "You should know," I continued. "I love Niall, everyone knows that. I don't understand why you would even attempt to do that."

Harry rolled his eyes and stormed out the room angrily. What was I supposed to do? Get up and run after him? Tell him that I have an undying love for him? Is that what he wants? He's not going to get it. It has been made clear that I'm in love with Niall.

Just as Harry left, the nurse came in with a bottle of water. I thanked her and returned the signed papers to her. She smiled and left.

I sat in silence, awaiting for the boys to come back. Anything to end the sadness that went through me. I know once I see Niall, everything will be ok and it would seem like nothing had even happened in the first place.

The boys came in with a bag. Liam smiled and hugged me, placing the bag on my bed. "Everything ok?" He asked. "Of course!" I lied, still having the kiss fresh in my mind.

Niall approached the other side of the bed, leaning down to kiss me. I pulled him into the bed and cuddled closer to him, thankful that he is here.

"Where is Harry?" Zayn asked while sitting on the couch. "Bathroom." I answered to him quickly. "What's in the bag?" I asked Liam. "Clothes," he smiled. "While you're getting dressed, I'll go ahead and get you discharged. Then, we are going to meet Danielle at the diner outside of the airport." Liam smiled.

Stress piled on top of me. Harry's kiss was still on my mind. Do I tell anyone or just keep this between us? What if Harry gets so mad that he tells Niall? I can't lose Niall. He is the love of my life.

And Danielle? I hate meeting new people. What if she doesn't like me and doesn't treat me well? A mother figure is needed, although my last mother left.

I smiled as all the boys left for me to get dressed. I went to the bathroom and took out the cheap brush they got me. I brushed through my oily hair and threw it into a bun on top of my head. I pulled a pair of black legging out the bag and slipped them on. Next was a green sweater, it smelled like Louis. I laughed and threw it on. I could tell it was his, it went down to my knees.

I threw on the black shoes and went out the room. I saw Niall standing outside. I hugged him and smiled. "Are you excited?" He asked as we walked down the hall. "For what?" I asked. "To meet Danielle, of course." He laughed while taking my hand in his. "I'm not sure. I don't really like meeting new people." Niall nodded, "I'm sure you'll be fine. Danielle is one of the sweetest people I know!"

Once we got to the others, Harry was there. He looked between me and Niall and saw our hands connected. He sighed and left the group to sit on a bench not far from us.

"Danielle just texted me and said she on her way so let's get going!" Liam said while guiding us all out. I waved goodbye to the nurses and thanked them on the way out.

My least favorite part of the day was having to sit between Niall and Harry the whole ride there. Niall's hand stayed attached to my thigh as Harry stared at it with jealousy. Never, ever has Harry acted this way towards me. Maybe it's just the rejection part that got to him the most. Not me not having feelings for him.

The one hour ride seemed like a six hour ride as we finally arrived at the diner. Harry's eyes still looked at me the whole meal. Thankfully, seeing a tan, curly-haired brunette come through the door distracted him.

Everyone rose and went to greet the very pretty lady who came to join us. After hugging everyone, Liam wrapped an arm around her and looked at me. "This is Jasmine." He smiled, gesturing to me. "Hi! I'm Danielle." She smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

Dinner was great. Getting to know Danielle was amazing. The plane ride home was normal. Liam made Danielle sit with me. So that also gave us more time to talk and such.

Once we arrived home, all I wanted was the sleep. Sleep in a bed that didn't belong to a hospital. Liam led me to my room and Niall slept with me.

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