Chapter 20; Mysterious Dates

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I walked into the kitchen and smelled the fresh scent of breakfast food. The sweet smell of pancakes tickled my nose. As I walked into the room I was engulfed in the aroma and dragged to the counter with plates of food.

I sat down at the table and started piling my plate with food. Soon after, the whole family was sitting at the table enjoying the meal that was made.

"Good morning, Jasmine." Danielle said as she sat down at the table. She grabbed the spoon and started piling eggs onto her plate.

"Good morning, Danielle." I smiled and looked around at everyone. "So, what's the plans for the day?" I asked, picking with the sausage that remained in the corner of the plate.

"Well," Louis smiled. "My girlfriend, Eleanor, has recently came into town for a while." Louis picked his phone and clicked a few buttons before continuing. "She was wondering if we could meet her at the restaurant by City Park around 1 or 2 for lunch."

Everyone agreed silently, "That sounds amazing!" Clearly, I was a bit too excited to meet Louis' girlfriend.

Actually, I'm beyond thrilled. Louis has told me millions of hilarious stories about his girlfriend. It seems as if I'd like her a lot. I'm very excited.

After breakfast I ran upstairs and started to get dressed. I threw on simple denim jeans and a white t shirt. I threw some dry shampoo in my hair and put of my white and black checkered Vans. I ran down the stairs, into the living room, and saw Niall sprawled on the couch.

I went next to him, "Hey, cutie." I plopped myself down next to him and he settled his head into my lap. He sighed and look up at me. "Do we have to go meet Eleanor?"

I was shocked at his question. Usually, he is thrilled to go anywhere for the day. The Niall I know hates sitting in the house all day, and would rather be bouncing around and having a good time.

"What's wrong?" I asked Niall. I ran my fingers threw his hair as he cuddled further into my lap. "Maybe we should stay home, just me and you?"

I shook my head at Niall. "It's important to me that I meet Eleanor." Niall nodded his head and looked up, "Okay."

"But promise me something?" Nail asked, sitting up and facing me. "Me and you will go to dinner tonight."

"Well why do you want to go out so bad?" I asked, curious to the amount of excitement that was in his voice. "Just, don't worry about it. You'll have fun."

That was the final thing Niall said before running up the stairs. I shrugged my shoulders and went into the kitchen and started cleaning up any leftover mess from breakfast.

"Finally doing your chores I see?" Said Louis coming into the kitchen. "I know, such a rare occasion!" I joked, turning to face him.

He took a glass from me and started to go to the fridge. "Eleanor is beyond thrilled to meet you." Louis said, pouring fruit punch into his glass.

"Well tell her I'm beyond nervous." I laughed, placing glasses into the cabinets. "Why nervous?" Louis asked, sipping the drink.

"Well, there is always anxiety when meeting a new person." Louis nodded along with my statement and started to wash out his now empty glass. "No reason to nervous around Eleanor. She makes everything really easy."

"Even though you tell me not to, doesn't mean I'm not going to." Louis laughed and hugged me. "Nothing to worry about, love." He released me from his grip and held my shoulders. "You'll be fine."

Louis' words stuck in my head the whole ride to the park. My heart nearly dropped to the floor when it came time to go into the small café that sat on the corner of the street.

Once we walked in we heard small gasps and whispers. This was normal walking to any place. We went into the far back and saw a quite small girl sitting. She was sipping a drink and scanning along the menu. She turned her attention toward us and instantly found he way to her feet.

First she ran to Louis and greeted him. She kissed his cheek and turned to us. She greeted the boys, along with Danielle, and turned all her attention towards me. "And you must me Jasmine?"

I nodded my head and held my arms open. She pulled me in and gave me a big hug. "I'm Eleanor!"

This small girl was filled with enthusiasm that I appreciated. She sat everyone down and we started to look across the menu. "So, Jasmine, how have you been?" Eleanor asked, setting her menu down. "I've been great. Everyone has been so sweet and I can't wait to get to know you better."

The lunch continued and ended quickly. Once we returned home I started to prepare myself for the date Niall had arranged. I put on a little more eyeshadow and lipstick. I pulled on a simple burgundy dress and went downstairs.

I fixed myself a drink and sat at the table. Niall came down dressed in a button up and khakis. "Hello," he smiled. "You look gorgeous. Are you ready to go, babe?"

I nodded and went upstairs. And threw on a pair of shoes. I ran into the living room and looked in to find Liam and Danielle. "Hey, Sweetie." Danielle said turning from her laptop. "What's up with you guys?" I asked, sitting next to them.

"I'm just looking at these pictures and Liam, I'm not sure." I turned to see Liam slightly dosing off and watching a weird tv show that has been on for an hour. "Okay," I laughed. "Me and Niall are going out. Does it matter what time I'm home?"

Danielle shook her head no. "Make sure you get that work done. We need to send your papers out for your online school."

Danielle recently signed me up for online schooling. I didn't finish my senior year so now I'm completing my second semester. I nodded my head and ran back to my room and gathered them. Before leaving I put them on Danielle's desk and ran back to Niall.

We walked out the door and started our way to the venue.

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