Isaac Lahey: Hasn't been the same. Part 2.

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Isaac x Reader:

Your name- submit what this is.

Isaac had been gone for almost a year now, even though he said he would keep in touch he never did, not one single call or text, nothing.

I saw pictures of him having the time of his life in Paris, so I decided I should live my life, and that I shouldn't wallow in sadness. So I decided to move on from him. I have a boyfriend now, and I have done for the past few months. I hadn't completely gotten over Isaac, and I don't think I ever will because he was my first love, but I know I should just let him go and that's exactly what I did.

I was sitting at home, having a movie day with my boyfriend, I cherished these days with him, because it was nice. I felt welcomed with him and I knew I could be myself around him.

We were currently watching X-Men, one of my favourite action movies, and his.

Half way through the film, I had gotten a text from Lydia, saying she needed me to come to her's quick time, I didn't know what to do in this situation as I hadn't ever ditched my boyfriend before.

"Hey babe, Lydia just text me saying she needed me to come over quick time." I explained to my boyfriend who was currently sitting, watching the film quietly.

"Right now?" He asked, sounding hurt.

I nodded and he sighed at me sitting up.

"Fine okay, I'll stay here and finish the film, just hurry okay?" He said, giving me a small smile. I smile back at him, getting up. I grab my shoes and coat and head out. 

On my way to Lydia's I take in everything around me, I try to come up with an explanation as to why she would want me to come over today of all days. She knew I was hanging out with my boyfriend today.

My mind wondered to Isaac and what he was doing with his life right now, I hadn't thought of him very often since my I met my boyfriend. I missed him a lot, we were really close before we started dating, but then when we did start dating we were even closer than before.

I guess that meant nothing to him though as he couldn't even be bothered to text me saying he was okay.

When I got to Lydia's house, I knocked on the door and waited patiently for her to answer, a few minutes later she opened the door for me and I walked in.

"What was so important you needed me today, of all days Lydia?" I ask her, a frown up on face. Her expression was unreadable, as if she was hiding some thing. I shook it off, waiting for an answer.

"Well...why don't you go into the kitchen and see for yourself Y/N" Lydia said, her tone quiet and secretive. I nodded and wondered into her spacious kitchen.

There was someone sitting at one of the stools, at her kitchen island. Someone oddly familiar, I couldn't see their face, only their back.

The mysterious person turned around in his seat, my breath being taken from my lungs. It was Isaac. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't speak. I was at a loss for words.

He smiled at me, as if he wasn't gone for a year. As if he hadn't completely cut me off.

"Y/N I missed you..." Isaac said, his words lingering in my brain. If he had missed me so much then why didn't he text or call.

"Of course you did." I scoffed. He frowned, his facial expression held confusion.

"I did..." He said, there was uncertainty in his voice. I teared up, but wiped my eyes before any water could leak from them.

"Then why didn't you communicate with me for the whole year? You promised me you'd talk every day, you said you wouldn't lose touch, but look what happened. I received no calls or texts from you at all." I ramble on at him, trying not to cry. His face softened at realisation.

"I'm so sorry about that Y/N, I wanted to, so much but I couldn't bring myself to do it, I didn't want you to get hopeful incase I didn't come back, I was deciding weather or not to stay in Paris. I wanted you to move on with your life, just in case. " Isaac explained himself, I nodded as I crossed my arms.

"I have, don't worry about that." I say monotone. His face dropped. He looked hurt. 

"You've moved on?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Yes I did. I figured if you weren't going to talk to me, and have the time of your life in Paris, then I wasn't going to wait for you any longer. I'm happy now." I said smiling lightly. He just nodded.

"I understand. I guess it's decided then." He said quietly. It was my turn to be confused this time.

"What's decided?" I ask, not knowing what was going on.

"I'm staying in Paris. I came back in the hope you would still love me, your love for me was the only reason for staying here, but I guess because your love for me has gone, I should go back as there's nothing left here for me." He waffled on, a tear left my eye and fell down my cheek.

"I still love you, I will always love you Isaac, I just deserve better. I deserve someone who will text and call when they go to Paris for a year. I'm sorry." I explain.

"I'm sorry too Y/N, I really am, and you're right you do deserve better."

"I guess this is goodbye then?" I say, the tear escaping now. He nods and I grab his arm pulling him into me. It felt good having him in my arms after so long, but it didn't feel the same as before. He hugs back, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I laugh lightly through the tears, earning a chuckle from Isaac.

"I love you Y/N." He says, I just nod and pat his shoulder, in a friendly manner.

"Goodbye Isaac." I say once more, before giving Lydia a hug and leaving her house, as I head back to mine I let the tears fall freely as that would be the last time I would ever see and probably speak to Isaac again.

I needed this though, I loved my boyfriend more than anything, but Isaac will always be my first real love and that's something that will take time to replace.

A/N: I am so sorry for not updating lately, I've just been busy this wee, but it's half term tomorrow so I'll try to update every day next week.

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