Isaac Lahey: Ill come back.

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Isaac x Reader:

Your name- submit what this is.

Warning- contains smut.

I was sitting home alone contemplating my life, everything was going downhill here at Beacon Hills. My best friend Allison died trying to save us all from the Omi, we were all starting to drift apart from it and now my boyfriend is leaving for Paris and I have no idea if he will be coming back. Allison was like a sister to him so baring with the grief she left behind wasn't an option. He wanted to get away from it all, away from the supernatural aspects Beacon Hills offered.

He said he didn't want to keep me tied down here in case he decided to never come back. So here I was sitting on my couch, watching re-runs of Fresh Prince, as I ball my eyes out. I had decided that after everything I was only going to leave my house for school purposes, other than that I was gonna coop up here until I was sure everything was calm, which I doubt it will be anytime soon.

I hadn't spoken to anyone since the incident with the Nogistune and the Omi, with Allison. I missed her, and it was hard to believe she was actually gone because she was such a big part in all of our lives.

I heard a knock on my door, so I wiped my eyes dry and paused my programme. I stood up and made my way over to the door. As I opened it my heart broke all over again. It was Isaac, I told him not to bother trying to see me before he left because I just couldn't cope with the fact he was leaving me. I loved him so much, he was my rock and I don't know what I would do without him. He saved my ass so many times and I never got a chance to save his and now he's leaving, so I never will.

"Y/N...I know you told me not to see you before I left, but I needed to. I had to see your face one more time." He says with tears in his eyes. I moved out of the way so he could come in and he did. He took off him coat and shoes and then hugged me tightly. It's like he was holding onto me for dear life, as if he was actually afraid to lose me.

I pull away from the hug and look at him, a tear falling from my eye. I wiped it before it could spill. I didn't want him to see me cry. I wanted to show him I was strong. All of sudden I felt a pair of lips on mine. It took a minute for me to react, but I soon wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately. God I missed this. I hadn't kissed him in over a week and I know that seems like a short amount of time, but when you truly love someone it feels like a life time and it sucks.

"Jump" He says detaching his lips from mine for a few seconds before kissing me again. I obey and jump up wrapping my legs securely around his torso. He moves forward, pushing me against a wall so i wouldn't fall and he pressed his self against me, making me moan.

He smirks into the kiss, as I buck my hips against his, making him moan softly. I move my hands from around his neck and into his hair, tugging at it. I smile into the kiss, as he begins to kiss me more roughly. Lust took over the passion and the next thing i know I'm being carried upstairs.

He flung me onto my double bed and climbed on top of me, holding him self up with his hands that were on either side of my head. He leant down, kissing my neck and nibbling on all of my week spots, making his mark on me. He kissed all down my body until he got to the waist band of my leggings. He hooked his fingers around the elastic and yanked them down, revealing my undies. I was thankful i had chosen to wear my lace black ones. He yanked those down as well, throwing them onto the floor, and placed his head in between my thighs. I moan at the contact of his tongue. I felt a sensation building up in my stomach as he worked his tongue around my clit. Moaning his name continuously. He was the only person in this world who could make me feel this way.

About 10 minutes later, i couldn't take it any more. I was at my high, so i let myself cum onto his tongue. He smirked against me, as he licked it clean. He moved back up so he was lying next to me and he turned to face me, with a big smile on his face.

"Wow" I breathed, looking at him flustered. He chuckled softly at this and wrapped on arm around me. I frowned slightly, remembering this will most likely be the last time ill ever feel like this, so i endured the moment.

"I know you're probably thinking, why did i come back just to make you feel good before leaving again. But before you say anything, i promise you i will come back to you, because there is no way i can go without you forever. I love you Y/N." He explains, kissing my cheek. I smile at this and move closer to him, nuzzling my neck into his chest.

"I love you too Isaac." I say as i kiss his chest lightly.

Lol, this is shit. I'm sorry. Please send requests.

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