Allison Argent: Always have me.

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Allison x Reader:

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I was driving home from work when I got the heart breaking news from Mr Argent. He rung me on my way home, saying Allison needed me more than ever right now because her mother had just died from a werewolf 'accident'. They were in the hospital waiting. As soon as I found out I drove straight to Beacon hills, I lived about three hours away, I had moved when my mother and farther divorced. It was heart breaking for everyone I was close with, although I had stayed in touch, we hadn't seen each other in around 4 years. Allison was my best friend, also my crush. I absolutely adored her, but she chose Scott and I don't blame her, they had something special.

I was around 10 minutes away from Beacon Hills Hospital, I had multiple texts from friends asking where I had disappeared off to because I was supposed to be at a party right now, but I would choose Allison and her family over a party any day. I shut my phone off and tossed into the passenger seat, I didn't need any distractions right now. My focus was Allison. The only other person who knew I was coming apart from Chris, was Scott. Scott had told me everything that had happened but warned me not to tell Allison the real reason as to why her mom passed so soon and out of the blue.

I parked into a space outside of the Hospital and got out of my small red Chevy as fast as I could, jogging towards the entrance. I instantly spotted Chris.

"You got here just in time! Allison will be here soon, thank you so much for being here for my family. Allison has really missed you." Chris said flustered, with tears in his eyes. I hugged him tightly, nodding my head.

"I've missed her too, Chris. And ill always be here for your family no matter what." I say in return, letting go of the broken man in front of me. His face made my heart break.

"Y/N! What are you doing here??" A familiar voice pondered from behind me. I turned around, a tear slipping down my cheek. She looked confused, I don't think Chris has told her anything yet. I didn't know what to say so I turned to Chris with a sad look on my face.

"Allison sweetheart, it's your mother.." His voice broke as he said this, but what really made me sad was Allison's face as I saw the realisation slap right across her face. Her face went pale, and she had tears in her eyes. She began crying frantically, screaming at her dad as he held her arms. She was broken. I know Victoria was scary and got on Allison's nerves but she loved her mother more than anything, and I can not imagine how she must be feeling right now.

"Please don't tell me she's dead, we've already lost Kate." Allison cries, falling into her fathers arms, giving up the fight with him.

When he doesn't reply, she has a full on break down. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around the both of them, bringing them into a tight embrace. Once we all let go, Allison turns around to look at me, she wipes her tears and runs into my arms. I hug her back tightly, not wanting to let her go.

"I've missed you Y/N, you don't understand how much, and you being here even after all this time, just makes me realise how much you must care about me and my family and I am grateful for that, I'm grateful I have you." Allison rambles on, trying to force a smile.

"We both are." Chris adds, smiling at me through his tears.

"Well you guys will always have me, no matter what. Your like the family I never had." I reply, bringing them both back into a tight embrace, enjoying this moment.

I'm sorry if this is short, this one made me sad writing it, because remembering the actual scene. I hope you enjoy this anyway. I enjoyed writing this one even if it was sad.

Also I know that this is in 1st person, I thought it would be better for this imagine.

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