Stiles Stilinski: Jealousy.

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Stiles x Reader:

Your name- submit what this is.

Lately Stiles had been getting close with some girl from his science class, too close and I didn't like it. We weren't together or anything, just close friend's but I have had a massive crush on him for about a year now. Obviously he would never see me as anything more than his best friend. Every time I thought something was going to happen or when I thought he was going to make a move, either that girl from his class would interrupt our moment or I would get scared and move away from him.

I was sitting in Economics, next to my other best friend Isaac. I honestly loved Isaac, he was so funny it was unbelievable. He was the one person that got me through most of my lessons apart from Stiles of course. Me and Isaac were laughing at a funny joke he had told me previously, and out the corner of my eye I could see Stiles staring at us. So I looked at him, so I could ask if he was okay but he turned his head away before I could, so I went back to laughing with Isaac. This was my last lesson of the day as I had lunch next then a free. Isaac offered if I wanted to watch him practice, although I didn't really like Lacrosse, I had nothing better to do, so I said id watch.

As soon as the bell went, Stiles rushed out the door, not even bothering to wait for me. Normally he would wait for me so we could walk together. As I was wondering why Stiles wouldn't possibly want to wait for me today, my thoughts were answered when I saw he leaning against the lockers talking to that girl from class. It was nice to know she was more important that me. Considering I'm supposed to be his best friend. As I was walking past him, I made sure to shoulder barge him on my way past. Smirking to myself as I made my way to the canteen. I found my friends and plonked myself down in-between Isaac and Scott.

"Where's Stiles?" Scott asked before taking a bite out of his sandwich. I sighed as I turned my head to look at him.

"He's with that girl again, that's the third time this week that he's ditched us for her." I say, taking my lunch out of my bag and placing it on the table. Lydia cocked her eyebrow up at me, with a grin on her face. "What?" I mumble, looking at her.

"Is someone jealous?" She giggles and the whole table turns their heads to look at me.

"No, I just thought we were supposed to be his friends, that all" I say shaking my head, as I dug into my food. Lydia just smirked at me, as she continued eating as well. I had to admit, I was the tiniest bit jealous of her, she was getting all his attention.

Isaac moved closer to me and rested his elbow on the table as he looked at me, with a smile on his face. "Are you still up for watching me and Scott practice after lunch?" He says, the smile not leaving his face. I nod and smile back at him, finishing off my food.

After lunch me, Isaac and Scott headed to the field, so they could practice. I sat on one of the front benches and looked after their stuff whilst they went and got changed into their kits. About 15 minutes went by before they came back. Not going to lie, Isaac looked hot in his Lacrosse kit. I giggled to myself at the thought.

"You ready to see my whoop Scott's ass?" Isaac smirks as he grabs his lacrosse stick from by me. Scott scoffs and grabs his too.

"You're on Lahey." Scott banters back. I giggle quietly to myself, at the pair.

"Can I have a good luck kiss, to ensure I do whoop his ass?" Isaac smirks at me, as he brings himself closer. I blush lightly.

"Oh, I don't know Isaac, depends if you deserve it or not." I smirk back at him. He leans in slowly, but before anything could happen, my name gets called by a very familiar voice. I turn my head to see an angry looking Stiles, speed walking over towards me. 

"Y/N, can you come with me a sec please?" Stiles tries to ask me calmly, his face red. I nod nervously. He grabs my arm forcefully, pulling me towards the parking lot.  

"Stiles, you're hurting me." I mumble and he lets go. He grabs my hand instead, pulling me towards his jeep. He opens my door for me to get in and he gets in the other side. Once we are both in, he turns to look at me, anger still written across his features.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asks exasperatedly, glaring at me.

"What was I thinking? What are you going on about?" I ask, confused. He slammed his hand against the steering wheel, sighing as I asked this.

"You were going to kiss Isaac!" He practically shouted at me.

"So? Why does that matter? You're always off with that girl from science so you have no right." I say, not looking at me.

"Me and that girl, we are cousins for heavens sake! And it matters because...because I like you okay, I don't want you to kiss Isaac. I want you to kiss me." He says, lifting my chin up to look at him.

"You like me?" I say surprised. He nods, coming closer to me. I smile and crash my lips to his, he doesn't react back at first because I caught him off guard but after a few seconds he kisses back. I smile into the kiss. After a few moment I pull away, grinning.

"I like you too." I say, my grin not leaving my face.


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