Stefan Salvatore: Step brother.

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Stefan x Reader:

Your name- submit what this is.

A/N: I'm going to call Stefan's father Phil, because why not.

I knew it was wrong to think of my step brother in a provocative way, but I couldn't help my self. Stefan and his father had recently moved in with my mother and myself, my mom and his dad were due to be married in two weeks. I liked him, I just didn't want to be related to his son. I know that sounds selfish, and I am happy for them, it's just that whenever I see him I just want to rip his shirt off.

I was helping Stefan and Phil unload their belongings into our house, whilst my mother was working. They had a lot of stuff for two people. Most of it junk probably, as I climbed into the back of the movers truck, I saw a large box right at the back. It intrigued me, so I decided to get a closer look. It was the biggest box in here. I traced my figure tips over the red lettering that spelt 'Fragile'.

"What you doing back here?" A male voice sounded, scaring me half to death. Of course I knew who's voice it was which made it all the more scary. I didn't trust myself around him.

"You scared me." I scolded him, narrowing my eyes at him slightly.

"You didn't answer my question." He said in a monotone voice- he was mysterious. Apart from his looks and his amazing body, I guess that's why I was so interested in him. He was different. Whatever I did in my past life must have been bad if I'm stuck with this sex God as my step brother. I shook my head lightly when I realised I was staring at him, my cheeks turning a deep shade of scarlet.

"I just wanted to see what was in the box, it's one of the biggest- it just intrigued me I guess." I say shrugging, as I looked at my scruffy converse.

"It's a Fender Stratocaster" He says. I could hear the smirk present in his tone. I looked up wide eyes, not being able to register what he just said. I was crazy over guitars, my dad used to teach me before he passed...Fenders were one of the best guitars you could get. My mom could never really afford one. But I don't expect her to buy me anything like that ever though because she has more important things to spend her money on.

"Are you being serious?" I shriek as I whip my body round to scan the box. That would explain the size of the box. I turn back to Stefan, probably grinning like an idiot. I was such a nerd when it came to music, it was my passion honestly.

"Yeah, take a look." He smiles as his head nods towards the box. I look between him and the box for a brief second before opening it. I picked it up carefully out of the box, and looked at it. I took in every detail and every ounce of what it felt like, because I would probably never get this chance again. I screamed slightly, a massive smile tugging on my lips. It was perfect. The marble brown colour contrasting with the white. The perfectly pristine guitar strings. It looked like it had never been touched, I felt kinda bad for getting my finger prints over it but at the same time I didn't. This was a dream come true.

I slid my fingers across the strings, making some sort of melody with the chords. I then began to play one of sleeping with sirens songs.

"I see you found the guitar, Y/N." Phil chuckled as he made his way into the back of the truck along with me and Stefan.

"I'm sorry Phil, I didn't mean to get my finger prints over it, it's just- this is a dream come true for me. I've always wanted to be able to play on one of these." I say nervously as I rack my useless brain for some sort of excuse.

"It's fine honestly Y/N, that thing needed to be used sooner or later. Your mom told me you liked playing, so you can play it whenever you want." He smiles at me.

"Are you being serious right now or am I being pranked?!" I say looking at him in shock. He just shakes his head before taking another box into the house. I place the guitar back into the box and did a little happy dance. I forgot that Stefan was standing next to me.

"You're cute." He chuckles as he crosses his arms and looks at me. I blush lightly and smile. "We should probably start helping." He continues as he gestures towards a box. I nod and pick it up, taking it into the house.

After we had finished unload everything into the house, Phil started dinner, as we waited for my mom to get home from work. She should be here any minute.

I get the dinner table ready with Stefan, and as I place out a place mat, his hand brushes against mine, I instantly turn to look at him and he does the same. Our eyes lock for a brief moment before I look away. My face obviously turning red for the third time today.

I finish setting the table and take a seat, opposite to the one Stefan was sitting at. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. I look down at my hands that were resting on the table, as I wait for my food. My mother walks in and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

"Hello darling." She says to me as she takes a seat at the table. I smile at her and she returns it. "Dinner smells amazing Hun." She compliments Phil's cooking. He gives a quick kiss on the lips before serving the food. I try to eat it as quick as possible without giving myself stomach pains. I couldn't stand being in the same room as him anymore.

After I was done eating, I excused myself from the dinner table and made my way upstairs into my room. I planted myself down on my bed. I sigh heavily. Frustrated with being in the same house as him.

All of a sudden my door burst open. I stood up quickly with wide eyes. That was a bad idea because one thing led to another. One minute I was being pushed up against my lavender painted wall and the next me and Stefan were kissing. Rather roughly if I do say so myself.

I kissed back with as much force as he was. His hands roaming every inch of my body. After a few minutes passed we pulled away. He had a kind of look in his eyes which I couldn't figure out.

"I'm so sorry I did that." He said apologetically, as he stared into my eyes. I didn't know what to say so I kissed him again, earning an instant reaction from him. I jumped, wrapping my legs around his torso. As soon as we heard foot steps coming up the stairs, we pulled away from each other immediately.

Phil came into my room, smiling.

"Getting along kids?" He says, looking between the both of us. We nod.

"Yep, having some friendly sibling bonding time." Stefan says, smiling back at him. Phil nods at him.

"Well me and your mother are going  to bingo, so don't trash the house more than it already is." He says chuckling as he leaves. I shout okay and look at Stefan again, I was flustered.

"It's going to be hell living with you." He smirks, coming closer to me.

I really enjoyed writing this- if you have any requests send them to me.

Teen wolf and Vampire Diaries imagines.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon