
Ten minutes later, the three were walking up the path to the city. Ro had decided to bring her blades. Just in case, she thought. It had been a while since she was targeted, but she was still uneasy without her weapons. For good measure, she had a glamour up to mask them so people they would encounter wouldn't get overly excited.

"Do you know how to navigate the city at all?" she asked Corvin. He had brought his sword, as well.

He shook his head. "Not at all, but I believe that'll make the trip all the more interesting." Ro gave him a skeptical look.

"That's reassuring. Twila," she looked to the cat, who was walking beside them, "you've been to Pont before, right?"

"And I hate every minute of it each time I've come here," the cat said grumpily. "Yes, I know the city layout if it comes down to it. I have the complete map of most major cities memorized in case of emergency."

"Huh," was Ro's impressed response. They fell into a comfortable silence, walking to the city without incident. Reaching a somewhat crowded plaza, Ro crouched low enough for Twila to perch on her shoulders. "So where should we go first?"

Her question was punctuated by a growl from her stomach. She smiled sheepishly. "How about we find somewhere to eat?" Corvin chuckled.

"But I didn't bring...any...money." She dragged out her sentence as her face fell. "Gods, how could I have forgotten to bring money?!" she cried out. A few strangers looked their way, but she was used to strange looks.

Corvin laughed and took her hand. "You really think I would let you pay for dinner? What kind of gentleman would I be if I let my lady pay for everything?" he said in mock offense. "Come on; we can try that place over there." He pointed to a small restaurant at the edge of the nondescript plaza.

Ro readjusted her hat to sit better, realizing that she didn't really need a sun hat when the sun was nearly set. Too late now, she thought sarcastically. At the entrance, a waiter greeted them. "Hello, and welcome," he said with a smile and thick accent. His face fell when he saw Twila perched on Rosalie's shoulders. "I'm sorry, but we cannot allow animals inside. It is against health regulations."

Twila opened her mouth to speak, but Ro cut her off. "I'm afraid that I can't be parted with my friend here." She gestured to the cat. "I won't insist on coming inside, but you do have an outdoor seating area, am I correct?"

The man glanced at Corvin, then to the sword on the ranker's hip. He sighed, and looked back up at Rosalie. "I may have to speak to my manager, but-" he cut himself off, spotting Ro's eyes. Shock lit up his features. "Your highness!" he cried out. "My apologies, truly! I didn't realize you would be visiting Pont."

She hurried to shush the stammering man before any of the passerby heard. "Shhhhh shh shh! Please, I don't want it to be common knowledge if I can help it," she said quickly. "We really just want to enjoy the city, and people swarming around me is why I came on vacation."

The man nodded in understanding. "We can most certainly get you a table in the outdoor area. I'll alert the chef of your presence as to make this experience as enjoyable as possible."

"You really don't have to do thaaaaat and he's gone," Ro groaned, throwing her hands up in defeat. She turned on Corvin angrily. "Why didn't you tell me I forgot to put my glamour up?" she accused, waving a finger in his face.

He shrugged. "I figured we would have trouble getting in anywhere with Twila, so I decided it was best not to tell you," he explained.

"You're lucky no one else noticed," she whispered angrily. Crossing her arms, she decided she would give him a hard time if she had the chance.

Rosalie's Kingdom {OLD VERSION- INCOMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now