lxxxiv. | bitch please

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lxxxiv. | bitch please

I walkeded over to Shane cuz he was crying "what's wrong with ye" "I wuv u" he says and I laugh and kick him
I listen to black veil brides whilst dieing my hair purple lols and i look up and see Rick he says he should be leader again but I rawr at him and scare him away lmao little does he no that means I love him *wink wonk*

Then uh oh the prison gets overrun whoopsies so we leave and I hold Carl's hand but he was holding Judith or whatever he name is idgaf so I got jealous and slapped that HOE UP she cried and Carl slapped me so I slapped the baby and then the baby slapped me and Carl slapped me then Shane slapped my ass and I slapped him then Carl slapped Shane then Shane slapped Carl then I slapped Shane then Shane drop kicked the baby and we all laughed lol

This is hard to write when you're listening to the Smiths.
Hope I didn't make you guys cringe too much
~ Aimee x

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