lxxxiii. | authors notes

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lxxxiii. | authors notes

Okay, so I'm fine with authors notes, cause they're nice to read at the end of a chapter. I personally write them at the end of a chapter. Because at the end of the chapter, it's nice to know what the authors planning on doing, if anything has changed, etc. But authors notes are meant to be at the e n d of the chapter, not the middle.

I ran and kept running because I need to run a/n lmao I saw a goose outside my house whoops when I found Daryl standing by a fence I wented to him and waved but he didn't wave but and my blue hair a/n I changed her hair to blue instead of pink lolzers he came to me and I said hey my name is aqua blue tail and I'm a mermaid a/n I know I said her name was Luna moonray and she's a werewolf but I changed mien mind

Like, can you please not do that. Please don't do that. Please stop. Can you stop. I'm getting eye aids thanks.

Also, how horrible does it look? The constant change to bold, and the fact that you don't know what's happening because Susan thinks it's okay to interrupt? Susan, sit yo ass down.

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~ Aimee x

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