Chapter 11

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I couldn’t believe that standing in front of me was not only one of the members of the biggest boy band around, but it was also my biggest idol. As well as the other 4 as well. Louis Tomlinson. It seemed so surreal that he was stood in front of me. I guess I forgot to mention something.

I am a BIG directioner. And I mean BIG!

I have every single one of their albums; up all night, take me home and midnight memories. I have been with them since the beginning which was 3 and a half years ago when they were put together on the xFactor, when they each preformed their own songs; Niall – so sick, Harry – isn’t she lovely, Zayn - let me love you, Liam – cry me a river and Louis – hey there Delilah. I fell in love straight away and I have never strayed away from them once.

I can’t believe that Zayn gets the most hate just because he is Asian. I think that it’s disgusting the way that some people react to be quite frank. He is so funny and I absolutely love the way that he wears beanies because he looks gorgeous.

Niall is awesome because he is Irish. I love his accent and it gives me shivers whenever I hear it. His singing voice is deep but I just can’t get enough of it. I don’t think that it is fair that he was made to get braces just because he had crooked teeth. To me, it added to his character. Not saying that he does have any because he does. In fact most girls love him because of personality. And his hair is an added bonus.

Harry is the most recognised because of his hair but he hates being known as famous as he thinks that it takes substance away from people, which I totally agree on. He had been labelled as a ladies man which I don’t agree on but he is also known for wearing tight trousers.

Liam has a really deep voice when both talking and singing which I love so much as it gives me really big feels in my tummy. But I also love the way he is able to go really high with ease. His two sisters seem really nice and I find it adorable about how much he loves the fans. I get so upset whenever anyone mentions that he was bored dead and that nobody turned up for his 16th birthday when all they want now is a picture with him because he is famous.

And last but certainly not least, Louis. I have the exact same outfit that he is known for wearing; blue and white stripped shirt with red trousers. I also have a pair of suspenders like he has which I find incredibly sexy on him. He is the oldest but judging by the way he acts, nobody would have guessed it as he is definitely the most immature. He has the most respect towards the fans and will stand up for anyone against bitches. Not to mention, he has a huge ass.

I was so excited when I heard that they were going to release a film. I had dragged Caitlyn with me to watch it in 3D when it was released and I also have it on DVD and have watched it about 47 times over. I was also ecstatic when they brought out their perfume ‘Our Moment’ which I bought immediately. I wore it everyday as my mum had bought it for me.

I had no clue how long I had been standing staring at Louis, but it must have been a while as my leg started to hurt. However when i moved to let him in, I noticed that he was paying close attention to my tear stained face along with the bruise that had no doubt formed under my eyes. I quickly looked away closing the door behind him before shuffling my way into the living room. As he sat down I decided that I would ask him why he was here.

“Ummm Louis, why are you here? I mean not that it is a bad thing, in fact it’s kind of awesome and kind of surprising but I ju-.” I was cut off from my rambling when Louis cut in.

“Wow your dad was right, you do talk a lot.” He said chuckling at my excessive talking.

“Sorry, I'm just confused.” I mumbled looking at the floor, feeling heat rising to my cheeks.

What a good first impression you made Beth, congratulations.

“Its okay, I’m used to it. And to answer your question I’m here to keep you company.” He smiled at me.

“Ahh okay I see.” I replied then remember that he mentioned knowing my dad. “How do you know my dad?” I asked him, raising my head trying to understand what was happening.

“Wait didn’t he tell you? I’m you brother.” He said looking hurt. It first I panicked wondering whether it was true, but when I noticed a smirk spread across his face, I knew that he was lying.

“You idiot! You had me there and I really started to panic.” I shouted at him while hitting him across the arm.

“Ow! What was that for? That really hurt.” He cried holding his arm pouting at me with fake tears in his eyes.

“Oh don’t look at me like that.” I replied looking away. After a moment he started laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Once our laughter had subsided, he moved closer to me and placed a hand on the side of my face.

“Beth, who did this to you?” he whispered to me while gently rubbing hi thumb over my bruise. But I couldn’t answer the question, so instead I jumped up from my seat on the sofa and started walking into the kitchen.

“Do you want a drink? I want a drink. Does hot chocolate sound alright?” I asked not waiting for a reply.

When I was in the safety of my kitchen I grabbed hold of a pan and put it on top of the hob filling it with enough milk to make two cups of hot chocolate. I then proceeded to place the correct amount of powder into the simmering milk and stirred it until it had completely mixed together. I then grabbed two cups from the shelf and poured an equal amount of the liquid into the cups.

After taking some deep breathes, I grabbed the cups from the side and walked slowly back into the living room, watching both cups carefully making sure that neither of them spilled. I placed one cup down in front of Louis and was about to sit down on the sofa with mine when I realised something.

“Crap, I forgot the mini marshmallows. Would you like some Louis?”

“Uh yes please, if your having some.” He said smiling at me watching me a placed the cup on the coffee table before walking back into the kitchen. Or that’s what I was aiming to do, but before I could even reach half away across the room, my head started to spin and I become very tried all of a sudden.

“Beth are you okay?” I heard Louis ask but before I could reply I collapsed on the floor with a loud thud, darkness over taking me.

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