Chapter 34

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My eyes started tearing up automatically after hear his angelic voice and I pretty much ran over to him and threw my arms round him, holding him as tight as I could without hurting him. I was so happy that he was awake and I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulder now that I knew he was awake and getting better.

“Good to see you too Beth.” Louis said chuckling before he started choking. I quickly jumped away from him panicking that I had done something.

“Shit, I'm so sorry Louis, did I do something? I'm so sorry.” I rushed before looking all over his body, to see if I could find anything wrong with him.

“Hey calm down don’t worry. You didn’t do anything. But can I ask for a drink?” he asked me and I nodded my head before I remember what the nurse told me.

“I need to go get the nurse to check you over before giving you anything, sorry but ill be right back I promise.” I finished quickly backing out of the room and running to the same nurses station that I had been to earlier today to get someone to check on Louis. I ran into the same nurse that I talk to earlier and she recognised me straight away.

“Hello miss, good to see you again. Is there anything I can help you with?” she asked me and I quickly nodded my head before looking over my shoulder towards the direction of Louis room.

“Yeah my friend just woke up, uh Louis Tomlinson, who came in after being hit by a car.”

“Wow that’s the second person today that you have been able to help. Maybe we should get you into all the other rooms.” She joked before using the phone on the desk to send Louis doctor a page before getting up and walking down the corridor, indicating me to follow.

“Good to see you’ve woken up Mr. Tomlinson. We’ve been waiting for you to wake up for a while now. It seems like Miss, Higgins here is a good luck charm. She has already been able to help one person today by helping us find out his identity.” She happily chirped as she checked all of Louis vitals, and made note of them on the clipboard that is normally posted on the end of his bed.

“Oh really, and who would that be?” Louis asked confused as to what was happening. I cleared my throat by coughing slightly, feeling nervous about what I was about to tell him because seeing Finn in the bed made me realise that my feelings hadnt gone, just been temporarily forgotten about.

“you know how my ex went missing due to his psychopathic brother, well it turns out that he has been here in the hospital for the whole time, but because he was so badly beaten, there was no way of people being able to see who he was and he could talk because his lungs were bad and he needed a ventilator. But I found him and he is safe.” I quickly rushed because I didn’t know what his reaction would be. I also don’t know how he was going to react to the next thing that I needed to tell him.

“Well that’s good isn’t it? I mean you’ve found him so you know that he is okay and you can see him when-“ he started but was interrupted by the nurse who said that the doctor would be in shortly before saying goodbye. “Anyway what was I saying? Oh yeah, now you can see him whenever you want. Have you told his parents where he is?” he asked me I knew that this was going to be the point where everything was going to change.

“Uh Louis, that what I need to talk to you about. I need to spend more time with Finn to help him get better because he doesn’t live with his parents. He got out early and Jack was the only person he had left. But now for obvious reasons, he doesn’t even have jack now and I'm all he had left.” I said looking down at the floor.

“Okay and why does this matter?” Louis asked me, confusion written all over his face.

“I don’t think that… whatever we have going on… I don’t think I can see you as more than a friend.” I said, mumbling the last part but I knew that he heard me because his face turned from one of confusion to one of hurt before turning to stone, not showing any emotion.

“Well if you think that this is what will be best, then I guess I will see you around.” He said curtly, no emotion in his voice at all which saddened me because I didn’t think that he would turn like this. I thought that he would understand that I was trying to save Finns feeling but I guessed that he was more upset than I thought he would be. I just hoped that the other boys would understand.

“Louis I'm sorr-“

“Don’t, just please don’t. I can’t hear it. Beth I love you but if you can’t be with me then I can’t see you. Please… just leave.” As soon as those words fell out of him mouth, I felt my heart shatter inside my chest and I felt my eyes tear up but I refused to let them fall. If this was the way he was going to act, then I couldn’t show him how it affected me. I watched as he closed his eyes and stood there studying him for a second, not known what was going to happen after this.

“I love you Louis. I'm sorry.” I said before I turned out of the room and walked to Finns room. I think I heard Zayn calling me but I was in my own world so I didn’t hear him at all. I just kept walking until I made it to Finns room where I collapsed on the crappy plastic chair that was next to Finns bed and laid my head on his bed, taking hold of his hand just as the floodgates opened.

I don’t know how I was going to get through this but I need to be strong for Finn. I would still see Louis but I couldn’t be with him after I had just found Finn. Yes, I love Louis but I also love Finn and I can’t choose between the two. But then again, I guess I just had. I technically had just chosen Finn.

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