Chapter 36

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*Jacks POV*

I had been sat in this room for over two weeks now and I was sick of it. I knew that I had basically put myself here but I mean they could make it a bit more interesting at least so that I would feel like myself or others from spending so much time in here. The two officer’s hadnt come back yet to talk to me about Finn and so I wondered whether they had forgotten about it or whether something else had happened. Other officers came in to try and get information out of my but I refused to talk to them, saying I would only talk to Officer Macc and Officer Bernard. I just couldn’t wait to tell them my story and see their faces when I let them into the some of the things I had done.  Just when I thought that they weren’t coming back, an officer opened the cell door and told me to follow him, with another officer following behind me.

I was put in an interrogation room, the same one I was in last time I was questioned. I looked around and took note of the camera that was in the corner of the room, the second camera that was placed on the table and then the of course the mirror that was placed on the left side of the room. I walked over to it and did a little wave that could easily class me a gay before flipping them off and giving them the finger. I then proceeded to check myself in the mirror, making sure that my hair was neat and that not a single strand was out of place. Before I could do anything else, the door slammed open revealing the very two officers that I had been waiting to talk to.

“Ahh guys, there you are. I thought you had forgotten all about me for a second then. I missed you.” I said sarcastically, walking over to them with my arms open. Before I could reach them I was turned round and my face shoved into the wall with my arms locked behind my back.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa guys what’s going on? I missed you too but there’s no need to be so forth coming.” I chuckled before I was thrown into a chair facing the camera that I was looking at just moments ago.

“So guys, where have you been. Haven’t heard from you in a while. Anything exciting happen?” I questioned them.

“Okay wise ass, you can stop all the questions now.” Officer Macc commented as he sat down in the chair opposite me. In his hand was a folder which no doubt contained all the information of my case, how Sean had been killed and how Finn was missing. I had a giant grin on my face when I remembered that they still hadnt found my dear little brother. Note that I couldn’t care less about him.

“Okay guys, geesh what jumped up your ass and died.” I mumbled while turning my head to face the mirror again. A bang echoed throughout the room and I turned my head back towards the officer, unfazed by the nose. Officer Macc’s face was bright red from anger and I could see his hand clenched as a fist on the table.

“Look here dip shit, we have had enough of your games. And you can wipe that smug grin off your face; we have found your brother, alive.” He finished with a smirk on his own as he noticed that my face feel hear that they had found him alive and kicking.

“Well that’s a shame. I thought that he was dead man for sure when we ditched him. That should teach me a lesson about not finished the job when I have a chance I guess.” I replied making it seem like I wasn’t fazed at all but on the inside I was screaming and shouting, pissed that my angel of a brother had been found. I know that he hadnt done anything to me in particular, but growing up with him had been a nightmare as he was the mighty child, always right and I hated him for everything.

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