Chapter 10

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“Hi Finn.” Came the sickly sweet voice of Britney as she batted her eyelids while looking Finn up and down. What surprised and upset me more was the fact that Finn didn’t ignore her or give her a quick hi. No instead, he looked her up and down, smirking when he noticed that she had a very short skirt on and a shirt that revealed the edge of her bra. He quickly shot her a wink but instead of saying anything he turned us round and walked us over to the Ferris wheel. I didn’t say anything as I didn’t want to make him upset, already knowing what he gets like.

Been there, done that.

 “Come here babe.” He said to me when we were seated safely on the Ferris wheel yet I didn’t move. He noticed this and moved over to me instead, taking my hand gently and lifting my chin up so that he could look at me.

“Babe, what’s up?” he asked me concern filling my face.

Wow you really are stupid! First you check out my enemy, then wink at her and then you ask me why I'm upset. I though to myself but of course, I didn’t dare say it to him as I’m actually quite scared of him.

“Nothings wrong, I just don’t feel too good all of a sudden.” I lied to him looking away.

“If you didn’t like heights, you could have told you. I wouldn’t have made you come on here babe.” He said to me, his voice soft.

“Its not heights, I just don’t know what came over me. I just suddenly feel ill.” I half lied, knowing exactly why I felt ill.

“I’m sorry babe, it wont be long and then we can get off an with your friends and meet up with your friends as they should be here by then. Then we can play all the funfair games.” He said smiling at me.

“Yeah we can.” I said trying to push the image of Finn winking at Britney to the back of my head so that I could enjoy the rest of the day. Yet there was still a nagging feeling in my gut that something was going to happen.

Once the Ferris wheel had stopped, Finn and I climbed out of the seats and walked over to the spot where we agree to meet everyone. I felt Finn take my hand, and deciding not to make this day any worse, I looked up at him and smile before spotting my friends and rushing over to them.

“Let’s get this party started!” Caitlyn said making us all chuckle as we walked over to the first round of games. It was the game where you had a water gun and you had to use the gun to fill up a balloon to make it pop so that you can win a prize.

Of course I failed as I have no aim what so ever. Caitlyn however, being a tomboy and all, had almost perfect aim and nearly completely filled it up. But because it didn’t burst, she didn’t get a big prize. 

Fin had also nearly won a big prize but again it didn’t burst, so instead he gave me a cute little bear with a bow on it. All of a sudden I needed the toilet so I excused myself and found an empty cubical. After doing my business and washing my hands, I walked out of the toilets where I last saw Finn. He wasn’t there so I decided that I would ring him and ask him where he was. I turned around to see if I catch a view of him when I saw something that made my blood run cold.

Finn was holding a giant bear that he was handing over to Britney. She was giggling and laughing at something that Finn had whispered in her ear, but what happened next made me want to collapse there and then and cry.

Finn had placed his hands on her waist and leant in to kiss. The didn’t break away for over 5 minuets and I couldn’t look away for the whole time. I felt my heart breaking more and more as the time passed and eventually I couldn’t handle it anymore. I turned around and ran, not caring about what looks I was getting and not caring about leaving my friends behind because right now I hurt too much. I don’t know why I ever thought that I could trust him. I just ran and ran not caring about anything except getting home.

I was sure that at one point I heard him call my name but I didn’t care. All I could think about was how much I sucked at listening to my gut.

Once I had finally gotten home I unlocked the door and ran into my bedroom collapsing on the bed, my body shaking as tears rolled uncontrollably down my face. I hated him but I was so scared of saying or doing anything, know how angry and abusive he could become. I curled up into a foetus position, pulling my knees up to my chest hugging them. I stayed in the same position until I had cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to a loud banging and when I opened my eyes, I came face to face with Finns very angry face.

“Why’d you leave?” he asked me, his face bright red with anger. I immediately backed away scared of what he was going to do.

Wait how did he get in? Oh I’m so stupid! I left the door unlocked.

“Why. Did. You. Leave.” He asked me again, pausing between each word telling me that he was about to blow.

“I saw you.” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. I’m honestly quite surprised he even heard.

“You saw me doing what?” he asked me on the brink of exploding.

“K-kissing B-Britney.” I stuttered backing even further away from him. But he didn’t say anything instead I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and when I looked up Finn was no longer there. I then heard the front door slam and I ran down the stairs and over to the door to lock it before he could return. I then sank down the door and brought my hand up to the side of my face where I had been slapped. I brought my knees up to my chest and started crying into them.

Then my heart started beating quicker as there was a banging on the door.

Oh no, not again.

I slowly got up and placed my hand on the doorknob slowly twisting it round as I braced my self for whatever would happen when I opened the door. However nothing came accept a smooth voice that I didn’t recognise asking if I was Beth Higgins. I looked up and I felt my jaw drop as I realised who it was

Louis Tomlinson?

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