Chapter 24

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When the name ‘Sean Davis’ fell from the officers mouth, I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I didn’t even know that I was crying until Louis turned me to face him so that I was in his arms and he was using his thumb to wipe away the constant flow that was falling across my cheeks.

“Come on love, I think that we should go home. There isn’t anything that we can do here and you need to go home and get some rest. We can go see your dad as well if you’re feeling up to it.” He told me as he rubbed circles on my back with his hand.

“I do-on’t want to go h-home.” I stuttered as my breaths came in short gasps while I tried to calm myself down. I didn’t want to go home as it would be a constant reminder of my Dad, Finn and everything that’s happened.

“That’s okay love. You can stay with me. I'm sure the guys wouldn’t mind.” He replied as he placed me on the floor before getting up of the chair himself.

“Before you leave, could you write down your address and your home number, so that if we need to contact you we are able to?” Office Bernard asked Louis as we walked out to the front desk.

“Sure that’s not a problem.”

After Louis had given them all the information that they needed we started on the journey to my house so that I could pick up everything that I needed. It was another silent car ride and the whole way all I could think about was Finn and my feelings towards Louis. I knew that my feelings for Louis were building rapidly but I just didn’t think that I could get with Louis after everything that has happened. I mean I was still technically dating Finn but he was missing and being ‘with’ Jack helped to realise that I didn’t actually like Finn. I was so confused.

As well pulled into my drive for the second time that day I saw one massive difference from the first time. There was yellow tape surround my house along with police officers streaming in and out of my house. They were there for two reasons. Not just because of Jack and a missing Finn, but also because they still needed to find out who had attacked my Dad. I was nervous when I climbed out the car and made my way towards my house but when Louis took hold of my hand and intertwined our fingers, I felt the heaviness lift from my shoulders.

I climbed up the stairs two at a time, not wasting any time as I wanted to leave as soon as possible. I don’t think that I could ever return to this house, even when my Dad was better. I opened my door and the memories of finding Jack in my bed with Britney rushed at me with force and I quickly became nauseas and I bolted to the bathroom, barely making it before I my knees buckled and I started dry heaving into the toilet. Because I hadnt been eating properly, I didn’t have anything that needed or could leave my system. When I finished, I noticed that Louis had been holding my hair away form my face and rubbing smoothing circles on my back.

“Feeling better love?” he asked me as he helped me off the floor by taking hold of my hands. I nodded and then walked out of my bathroom over towards my cupboard. I took out a suitcase and started shoving clothes in not really caring what it was. I then moved over to my chest of drawers and started pulling underwear out starting with socks. When I came to my underwear, I felt my face flush with embarrassment and I turned round to face Louis who was sat on my bed watching me cautiously.

“Um, do you think you could bring turn around please?” I asked him sweetly even though my face was becoming warmed by the second. He tilted his head confused for a second until he realised why I wanted him to look away. I got up and moved over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek. Before turning and heading towards the door.

“I'll wait for you downstairs.” He said over his shoulder before he disappeared. I shuddered at the thought of being alone but I didn’t want to call him back so I quickly finished packing before I practically ran out of the room. I dragged my suitcase down the stairs and when I reached the bottom I looked around the bottom floor and noticed more police officers scanning the place and another shiver ran off my shoulders.

“Are you cold love?” I heard someone ask me from behind I turned round and came face to face with Louis. I threw myself into his arms which must have taken him by surprise as it took him a moment for him to wrap his round my waist and pulled me closer.

“Can you please take me away from here.” I said into his chest and I felt him pull away from me.

“Of course I can.” He replied before taking my suitcase in one hand and then taking my own in his other. As I started to leave the house, I looked back over my shoulder and sighed before following Louis to his car.


The drive hadnt been too long but I had still managed to fall asleep on the way. I woke up to a lovely pair of brown eyes looking at me and I automatically knew that I was Louis.

“Hey love, I'm sorry that I had to wake you up but we’re here.” He told me before backing off letting me to wake up and climb out the car myself in my own time, which I appreciated. When I climbed out I couldn’t stop my mouth from opening at the amazing building standing in front of me. I was 3 stories high and had several windows along the front. This was not a house. It was a mansion.

“This is where you live?” I asked them, most likely sounding breathless.

He chuckled before answering my question. “Yeah, but it’s not just me. The rest of the band live here as well.” I heard him say I started to become nervous. Louis sensed my hesitation and came to stand in front of me.

“Beth are you okay?” he asked me while taking hold of my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“Yeah I'm fine I just- what if they don’t like me?” I questioned him looking away.

“I'm sure they will love you love.” He simply stated as he used a finger to lift my chin up so that I was looking at him. “Come on, I want to introduce them to the girl that has me wrapped round their finger.” He chuckled before walking round to the boot to get my suitcase.

I followed him through the door and another gasp escaped my lips as I looked round the large entrance. I then heard voices coming from the living room and footsteps that seemed to be getting louder.

“Hey Louis, your finally home.” A boy with curly hair said while pulling Louis into a hug.

“Yeah mate I am. I want to introduce them someone. Is everyone here?” i heard him ask before I saw the curly haired boy shake his head.

“Sorry mate. They have just gone to visit Paul. In fact I was just heading there myself.”

“Ahh okay well I want to introduce you to- Beth are you okay?” I heard Louis ask me just before my vision started to become blurry I felt myself becoming weak.

“I think I'm going to collapse again Louis.” I stated in a weak voice just as my knees gave way and blackness took over.

So much for a good first impression.

Pierced HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora