Chapter 9

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It had been a month since Finn had thought that I had cheated on him and every time he could, he would show me how sorry he was. Last week he bought me a beautiful necklace that had my birthstone on it. I loved it but I didn’t wear it often as I didn’t want to take my mums necklace off, which he understood and respected.

Luckily my dad hadn’t noticed any of the bruises that I had and he didn’t question why Finn and I were acting a little strange a couple of days after the incident. In fact he hadn’t been around a lot after he started his new job. I still think that it would be cool if he was One Directions body guard. But I knew that it would never happen. I wasn’t that lucky.

School had been hard work but it seemed to be getting easier. My A level mock exam results were really good but I did wish that they had been my real exams as it meant that it would have been over by now and it also meant that I could finally leave this hell-hole.

Finn and I had agreed that we needed a day out and so we had decided that Caitlyn, Sara, Jenny, Jasmine, Finn and I would go somewhere none of us had been in a while.

The funfair.

I couldn’t wait. I hadn’t been in years and I got to spend the day there with my best friends and my boyfriend. Dad had given me quite a bit of money as well telling me that I deserved it for doing so well in the mock exams.

I looked at the clock on the wall in the living room and noticed that I had an hour and a half to get ready so I quickly bolted it up the stairs running up them using my hands trying to get up them quicker. I ran into the bathroom and ripped my clothes of while turning on the shower and jumping in. it was absolutely freezing at first but it soon warmed up and I washed my hair, shaved and then washed my self in a strawberry smelling body wash. I loved it so much.

Once I had finished in the shower I jumped out and ran into my bedroom, nearly slipping over on my laminate flooring before jumping on the bed to have a quick look at my phone. After replying to the 3 text messages, 6 Facebook notifications and 2 tweets, I walked over to my wardrobe and rummaged through it until I found my pair of dark blue skinny jeans that I had worn so much that they had big holes in over the knees and then pulled on a strappy t-shirt followed by a baggy baseball jumper.

I looked over towards the clock and noticed that I had 40 minutes to dry and straighten my blond hair and put on some makeup so I quickly got to it and I was done with 10 minuets to spare. I walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen where my dad was standing talking on the phone. I waited until he had finished before I walked in further and headed over to the fridge.

“Hey honey, are you leaving yet?” my dad asked me turning to face me.

“Not quite but in a min.” I replied pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge.

“Okay well I have to go back to work so can you take your key please? Oh and I have left some money on the side for takeaway when you get back in case.”

“Okay thanks dad and my keys are in my purse. Please be careful. Love you.” I said walking over to him giving him a hug and a kiss goodbye. The thing about have a bodyguard for a dad is that you never know if he is going to come back in one piece.

“I love you too munchkin. If I don’t see you tonight then I will see you in the morning.” He said to me as we walked out of the door. He then walked over to his car and got inside turning on the engine. With one last wave he was backing out of the drive and then moving down the street. I pulled my phone out and started to play a game to pass the time before Finn came to pick me up. After a couple of minuets I heard a car horn go off and I looked up to see Finns car pulling into the drive.

“Hey babe, you ready for today?” he said climbing out of his car heading over to me to pull me into his arms.

“Yeah! It’s going to be so fun!” I said jumping up and down excitedly. I honestly couldn’t wait. Finn started chuckling at my childishness as he pulled me into his arms and gave me a passionate kiss while wrapping his arms round my waist bringing me closer to him. When we pulled apart we were both breathing frantically.

“W-what was that for?” I asked breathlessly.

“Do I need a reason to kiss my girlfriend?” He replied tilting his head to the side slightly as the side of his mouth rose into a half smile.

“No I ju-“ I was cut of mid sentence by Finn telling me to ‘shut up’ before he placed his lips back on mine giving me another breath taking kiss.

“We better get going.” He says pulling away from me and walking back to the car seeming unaffected by the kiss. Unlike me as I was having trouble walking in a straight line without falling over on either my ass or my face. I hated him sometimes. He always seemed fine after we kissed unless it was times where we had been making out for a while and it started to get heated. Then it was clear that he became more affected then I did.

Once I had finally got into the car successfully without falling over I quickly buckled in and looked over to Finn who was staring at my with an intense look in his eyes. I turned away blushing and I heard him chuckle. I then felt his hand under my chin, turning it to face him.

“You don’t have to hide from me when you blush. I think its cute.” He said which only caused me to blush harder and him to chuckle more. We pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road in the direction of the funfair. All the way there, Finn held my hand apart from when he needed to change gears, which totally freaked me out as he had only been driving for a couple of weeks now, not long passing his test.

It took about 10 minuets until we had arrived at the fairground and my face lit up more and more as the rest of the park came in to view. I dragged Finn over to the entrance gate and we waited in the line to get in as we had already agreed earlier that we would meet the girls in the park somewhere. The line moved along pretty quick and before we knew it, we were inside. All was going well until we heard the last person that either I of Finn wanted to see we turned round and came face to face with the person that nearly ruined our relationship.

Britney Parker.

I hope that this didn’t take long.

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