Chapter 13

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​I woke up to a strong pair of arms wrapped round my waist from behind. I momentarily panicked wondering who it could be until I remember what had happened last night. Everything came flowing back, memories of Louis knocking on my door and going to get marshmallows before collapsing. I quickly started to calm down, realising that the only person that it could have been was Louis.

But why is he in my bed?

I felt the arm tighten and a low moan escape his lips. I realised that Louis was still asleep and even though I should have felt guilty for lying in his arms while i was dating Finn, it somehow seemed right, like it was meant to be. I felt safe, like nothing could harm me which was completely different to how I felt with Finn arms wrapped round me. It was like we were meant to be together.

Another moan escaped his lips and he unconsciously moved my body back so that I was pressed against his chest. However this position made certain things incredibly obvious, for example his erection that was poking me in the back of my leg. I tried to move away but his hold was far too strong and it was hard to move. I gave up trying to pull away and settled on gently trying to wake him up.

“Louis? Louis wake up.” I said trying to twist to face him causing my shirt to rise up in the process revealing my flat stomach. “Louis you need to wake up.” I said shaking his shoulders.

“Five more minuets.” He grumbled, pushing his head further into the pillow. I moved closer to him and rubbed my hand through his ruffled hair, smoothing it out of face.

“Louis, its time to get up.” I whispered into his ear removing more of his hair from his face. I looked down from his hair to find a pair of chocolate eyes staring at me. I moved my leg trying to get into a better position before I remembered the reason why I was trying to wake him up, causing a blush to spread across my cheeks.

“Good morning beautiful.” Came Louis voice, deep from sleep. He looked me up and down and noticed that my shirt had ridden up a little. I small smirk crossed his lips and I quickly become self conscious, trying and failing to pull my shirt down. “Beth, why are you blushing?” He asked me and I looked away noticing that even though he was awake, his hold never loosened round way waist. In fact he seemed to pull me closer. I felt the blush increasing and I couldn’t meet his gaze to tell him what was on my mind. I felt one of his long fingers under my chin, turning my head to face him.

“Beth, what’s up love?”

I felt my heart beat starting to race quicker as he called me ‘love’. I never knew that just a simple pet name could cause me to go so weak in the knees. But somehow, he managed it. My heart never beats this quick when Finn calls me ‘babe’ or ‘baby’. They never quite felt right. But this did, just like having his arm round my waist. I quickly understood the reason behind my behaviour. I was starting to have a crush on the boy that I was currently sharing a bed with, even though I was with another.

“Love you can tell me, no matter what it is.” He said, breaking my momentary daydream.

“Ummm well it's that... you well... ummm... you have a…” I faded out, not wanting to finish my sentence, the heat in my cheeks increasing. Louis looked confused for a second before he caught on to what I was saying.

“Oh you mean my hard on. Love, that’s completely normal, especially for a guy who spends the night sharing a bed with a beautiful girl.” He whispered the last part, half smirking, half smiling as he studied the look on my face.

“You’re quite comfortable talking about things like that aren’t you?” I said looking away again.

“Yeah I guess I kinda am. I’m sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable.” He said turning my head to face him again. I studied his face for the first time and I realised that he had a dark purple bruise on the right side of his cheek and that his lip was supporting a cut.

“Louis, what happened?” I asked him, concern filling me as I was sure that he didn’t have them yesterday. I placed my hands on either side of his ace, careful not to touch his bruise as I turned his head so that I could get a better look at it. “You need an ice pack for that.” I said going to get out of the bed before I was pulled back to Louis chest.

“No, you need to stay here and rest. I’m the one who should be worried about you, considering you were the one who collapsed yesterday and has been asleep for…” he turned to look at the clock hanging on the wall and then back to me. “…for over 10 hours.” He said, tilting his head to the side with a mix of confusion and concern in his eyes. “Why didn’t you wake when I shook you?” he asked me. When I looked away this time, it wasn’t because I was embarrassed; it was because I was ashamed.

“It doesn’t matter.” I whispered.

“Love…” Louis said in a soft voice. “…I’m going to go and make some breakfast. Why don’t you go get changed into some pyjamas and make yourself comfortable and we can spend the day watching films, and when you’re ready, you can tell me.” He moved closer to me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before climbing off the bed and disappearing out the door.

I climbed out, feeling a little light headed at first before the cloud lifted and I walked slowly over to my chest of drawers to pull out some pjs. I then walked into the bathroom to get changed and use the toilet. When I walked out Louis still hadnt returned so I walked back over to the bed. However a shiver ran down my back and I noticed how cold it was in my room. A voice from behind caused me to jump.

“Beth, are you cold? Come here and put this on.” Louis said removing his hoodie and draping it over my shoulders before moving over to the tray of food that he must have brought up and placed on the bedside table when I was in a bit of a daydream. I slipped my arms into the sleeves and zipped up the hoodie that was massive on me. I climbed back under the sheets and looked over at Louis who was putting a DVD into the DVD player. He returned to the other side of the bed and pulled me closer to him before picking up the tray and placing it in my lap. On the tray was a plate that was stacked with homemade pancakes. I noticed that he didn’t have a plate himself.

“Aren’t you going to have anything?” I asked him.

“Yeah, we’re going to share.” He smirked pulling me so close that I was almost sat in his lap. I cut a piece of the pancake and put it in my mouth. I let out a moan at the taste and quickly cut another piece to place in my mouth.

“I guess by the way that your eating them, I guess that they are okay.” I heard Louis whisper in my ear.

“They are fantastic.” I replied quickly. I cut anther piece, but instead of putting it in my mouth, I held it in front of his waiting for him to take it. When he did, he eyes never left mine as he moved closer to the fork and took the piece from the fork.

“Mmm, I should make them more often.” He said before placing a kiss on my forehead and turned to pay attention to the film. I returned to eat the pancakes, devouring them quickly. Louis chuckled as he took the plate from my lap and placed it back on the bedside table. He pulled me close again and a laid my head on his chest. I sighed with contempt and snuggled closer him.

“Love, remember when your ready, you can tell me what go you so upset earlier. But you don’t have to say anything until your ready.”

I looked at him and gave him a small smile, promising him with my eyes that I would tell him at some point. I placed my head back on his chest and averted my attention back to the TV wondering how I was going to tell him about Finn, about my mum and the repercussions that I received from the accident.

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