Chapter 32

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I had stayed in the hospital over night refusing to leave Louis side. Most of the time I spent it on the bed laid down next to him, whispering soothing words to him asking him to come back to me. I kept apologising to him over and over again as guilt washed over me more by the second. I hated that he was here because of me but I love him so much. He was my hero and I hoped that he would never let me go just like I would never let him go again. I needed him too much to let him walk away from me.

After not moving for about 34 hours, sleeping for about 20 of them, and talking to the boys for the others, the nurse that told me I could sleep next to Louis in the first place told me that I should go for a quick walk while he got washed. I wanted to stay and make sure that everything went okay but I knew that Louis wouldn’t want me to see him in the state that he was, with all his bruises and cuts so I decided that it would be best to leave. I told the boys who were outside that he was getting washed and that I was going for a walk. Niall asked me if he want him to go with me but I just shook my head and said a quick ‘no thank you’ before walking away telling them that I would be back in about an hour.

I walked out the door and turned left and walked out the hall that Louis was being kept on. I walked passed what seemed to be the children’s unit. I t was filled with colours and children’s toys and no matter where i looked, I could see kids everywhere either ill in a bed or sat on the floor playing with their sick siblings. It destroyed me heart to see it and I had to quickly leave the room before I exploded into tears. I kept going further down the halls, looking in the room that I walked passed to see them all with colour and cramped with family members until I walked passed a room that caught my attention. Unlike all the others that were filled with colourful balloons, cards and flower, and even family members, this room was bare and only held a young man in it who was the patient. I went it to find him unconscious and I don’t know what it was but I felt like I was being pulled to him, like I knew him which was ridiculous. Especially considering that he was beaten so bad that all his features had been altered and he didn’t even look human as he supported swollen black and blue lumps. I was about to sit in the chair next to his bed when I heard someone clear their voice from behind me.

“Excuse me miss, I was just wondering if I could check a few things on his monitors. If that’s okay?” she asked me as she walked over towards the bleeping machine which told us that he was alive.

“Oh yeah that’s fine. Um I sorry I don’t think I should be in here. I don’t actually know this man.” I said as I studied his face before I turned to face the nurse which I recognised as she came into Louis room every so often to check on him.

“That’s okay miss, not even we know who his is at the moment. He is a John Doe that was brought in about 3 days ago. He suffering from serious bruising and internal bleeding not to mention he has been beaten so badly that he isn’t recognisable to anyone. We aren’t sure if he has suffered any brain damage yet. We haven’t even been able to talk to him because he’s been unconscious since he arrived.” The nurse explained while I started at the young man. He couldn’t have been old, late teens early twenties, max. I was a sad story that he was currently in a bare room because he had no family members that knew he was here.

Suddenly his eyes flashed open and flew left to right frantically. Before I could try and calm him down, his machines started blaring and I was pushed out of the room being told that I needed to wait while he was checked out by the doctors. I waited outside the room, feeling sorry that he was by himself at a time like this. I knew that Louis would be okay because he would be being watched but Liam at this point. After waiting about 15 minuets, the nurse came out and filled me in on a few details before telling me that I could go back in. I opened the door and shut it behind me gently, not wanting to startle the man. I turned round and I watched as his eyes widened. I wasn’t too sure why though.

“Its okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help you.” I said as I walked closer to him. I expected him to panic and try to move away but in stead he seemed to clam down and tried to move closer to where I was standing by his bed. Well I say tried to move closer, he didn’t really move that much as he wasn’t able to move.

“My names Beth. Is there anything I can get you?” I asked him. I watched as he slowly opened his mouth and tried to speak however he quickly became impatient as he realised that nothing was coming out.

“It’s okay. It might be hard for you to talk for a couple of days as when you woke up you tried to pull the tube out of your throat when you panicked causing it to get stuck.” I told him, remembering what the nurse had told me.

“I would say why you don’t try writing but I don think that that will work as you had casts on both of your hands.” I said scrunching my nose up, concentrating on trying to find a way to help the man to communicate.

“Why don’t I go see if I can get a doctor or nurse to help you? No doubt you have some questions.” I was just about to walk out of the door when I saw the panic flash across his face and I moved closer to him and took hold of his hand.

“Don’t worry it will be ok-“ I started as I looked down to see him drawing a pattern on my hand. A pattern that I recognised. A pattern that only one other person knew about.

But it couldn’t be. No it couldn’t.

I looked into his eyes and recognised the colour immediately now that I was looking for it. The closer I looked, the more I recognised the man that was lying in the bed in front of me. It was definite. There was only one person that it could be.


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