Chapter 2

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*2 Weeks Later*

I still couldn’t believe that it had happened. It had been two weeks and it was still fresh in my mind. Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks as I remembered the look on my dads face when he told me that my mother hap passed away. I was now all he had as his parents disowned him for marrying my mum.

My mum and dad had met in college. It wasn’t love at first site. In fact it was the opposite. They always picked on each other and they would also try to embarrass each other in every way possible. Yet when they had been stuck together for a class assignment they started to learn each others traits and started to find out what they liked about each other. Once the assignment had finished, dad kept trying to find ways to be near her, even going as far as joining badminton to ‘play’ against her claiming that he always used to go with his nan. Eventually he just asked her out, and to his surprise she said yes straight away. Next thing you knew, they were married for 18 years with a 15 year old daughter. Nearly 16.

Mum, who was called Jenny, was a teacher at our local kindergarten. She loved children and wanted more. But she had trouble giving birth to me and had to go into theatre to have a c section. During the operation she lost a lot of birth and she wasn’t able to have any more children. I blamed myself for a few years after I found out, but she said that she didn’t mind because she got what she always wanted. A loving husband and beautiful daughter.

My dad, Paul, works as a security officer and was a head bodyguard to bands or those who need protection from fans or crazy lunatics that wanted to kill them. He would sometimes been gone for moths at a time as he had to go on tour with them. However there were times when he could take me along with him to concerts but I wasn’t allowed backstage, which sucked but there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

Time after time I had wished that dad was the bodyguard to One Direction and that they had to come over because they were being stalked which meant that I could meet them. But of course I didn’t have any such luck like that. Not to mention, they would probably think I was a freak.

I had lost quite a bit of weight in the past couple of weeks after my mum’s death as I had stopped eating. My dad tried several times to try and get me to eat, but every time, I would either refuse to eat, or end up throwing up because my stomach couldn’t handle it. I also had nice scab on my head from where I banged it but luckily it was healing quickly.

I still hadn’t gone to school yet that was all about to change as my dad said that I had to get back into a routine and start catching up with work that I had missed as I was in my second year of GCSE’s our of 3. I needed to make sure that I was able to get good grades in my GCSE’s as I wanted to go to sixthform before going to university.

I looked over towards a picture that I had on my nightstand of my mum, my dad and myself as I felt a fresh stream of tears roll down my face and I felt my heart sink even more. My eyes clouded and I shit them tight picturing all the happy times we had together as I drifted off into a fitful sleep.


The next day I woke up to the harsh sound of my alarm clock going of and my initial thought was to smash it on to the floor and go back to sleep. However I couldn’t do that as I promised my dad that I would go back to school today and he, in turn, promised me that he would go back to work. I clambered out of bed and shuffled my over way to the bathroom, my shoulders slumped.

After having a shower, I quickly got changed and dried my hair before returning to the bathroom to clean my teeth and looked up at the mirror. I had dark circles under me eyes and my face was very pale. I thought about applying makeup before I decided against it and walked to the kitchen. Dad was sat in the kitchen, dressed and looking very smart in his usual black trousers, dark blue dress shirt, black tie and dress shoes.

“Morning Beth, how are you feeling?” he asked me, like he did every morning. And just like every morning I replied with the same answer.

“Yeah, I guess.” I replied while picking up my bag from the side before walking into the living room and picking up my phone that was on charge. It was a new iPhone 5c as mine had been destroyed in the accident. My lock screen was a picture of my mum and another tear escaped my eye. I quickly brushed it away and made an oath to myself that I wouldn’t cry for the rest of the day. Or at least until I got home.

I can’t cry, I won’t let myself cry.

Once my dad had dropped me off after school, I started walking across the school grounds keeping my head down as I didn’t want to talk to anyone. But the only problem with keeping my head down was the fact that I couldn’t see where I was going, which meant that I bumped straight into the back of someone. My bag fell off my shoulders and the books that I was holding clattered to the floor with a loud thud.

Without looking up at who I bumped into, or without saying sorry, I quickly knelt to the floor and started picking up the books. I felt a hand touch mine as someone grabbed for the same book as me and I felt a shiver run up my spine. I looked up and I lost myself in his deep blue eyes. He had quite short brown hair and his lips looked full and I really wanted to place a kiss to them.

What is wrong with me?

Next thing I knew all I could hear was his sweet voice talking to me.

“Hi I’m new here. My name is Finn, what’s yours?”

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