The Twin Body Swap part 1

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Stan walked into the shack. Dipper and Mabel we're watching a re-run of Ducktective, Wendy was helping Soos organize the shack, Ford was in the lab as usual, and Will was petting Waddles.

"Hey kids, I ever tell ya how me an Sixer swaped body's as kids?" Stan announced. Almost immediately, everyone stopped what they were doing in


"You were trapped in Grunkle Ford's body?!"

"Better than being in your sister's..."

"First of all, it's Stanley and I." "Grammer Stanley." Ford corrected walking into the room from the lab. Stan rolled his eyes at the correction. "I'll grammer Stanley you!" He teased messing his twins hair which Ford immediately fixed.

"Alright, alright!" Ford gave in. "
Second of all, yes, yes and I don't know since I've never been in a girls body." He answered.

"Tell it Mr. Pines!" Soos begged. The others pleaded as well and the elder Pines twins exchanged glances of amusement. "Alright, well...It was a long time ago...Ford began.

"Whatcha building Poindexter?" A 12 year old Stanley Pines asked. Ford looked up from his work and smiled at his twin. "It's a carpet!" "It's designed to create electric shocks big enough to power a lamp!" He explained.

"Sounds pretty boring." Stan commented. "Wanna go build the Stan O' War?" He inquired exitedly.

"Eh, we can do that tomorrow Lee." Ford replied only half paying attention to his twin. Stan wanted to get his attention somehow and grapped the blueprints next to him.

"Stanley, give that back!" "I need those!" Ford ordered trying to grab the papers. "Nope, not till ya agree to do something fun!" Stan teased. 

"I'm serious, give them back!" Ford argued. He ran across the carpet to chase his brother and shuffled his feet a little. He quickly grabbed Stan's free arm and almost instantly, a jolt of electricity shot through them.

"Ugh.." Stan groaned. He quickly got to his feet. "Sixer, Stanford you ok?" "Wait...why am I wearing your clothes?" "Why do I have your voice?!" Stan began to panic.

"Um Lee?" 'Ford' spoke. "I think we...swaped body's..."

*cue theme song*

"AHHHHHHHH!" Screamed Stan. His voice came out as Ford's. "What the heck happened?!" He demanded.

"I don't know...I think it was the carpet, the carpet must have made us switch bodys!" Ford replied.

"Ugh, how can you stand these glasses?!" "There horrible!" Stan muttered squinting.

"Stanley, we need to switch back, now!" Ford declared. "But..."

"But what?" Stan inquired impaitently.

"I don't know how we switched in the first place!" Ford stated hesitantly.


"Calm down hothead!" We'll figure this out, we just need to find out how we swaped in the first place so we can swap back!" Ford decided.

"Well, I grabbed your paper thingies and then-

"Blueprints Lee!" Ford interrupted.

Stan groaned. "Whatever." He muttered. "I grabbed your blueprints, then you chased me, then you grabbed me and we switched." He recalled.

"Ok...wait a minute...I've got it Stanley, I've got it!" Ford cherred. "It's an electric carpet, and I shuffled me feet creating friction..."

"English Poindexter, just get to the point already!" Stan shouted impatiently not wanting to be in the body any longer.

"We need to shuffle our feet, then join hands, it should work!" Ford repeated.

So, both Pines twins shuffled their feet and grabbed electric shock burst through them. Stan sat up and looked around.

"Sixer, are you you?" Stan asked cautiously. Ford smiled in relief. "Yep, we're back in our own body's!" He cherred.

"So, watcha gonna do with this thing?" Stan asked gestering to the carpet.

"Hide it in Mom's attic..." Ford replied. "Experiment 78....not gonna try that again!" He laughed. Stan laughed also. "Good plan...let's never speak of this.." He decided. Ford nodded. "Agreed."

"And that's how Sixer and I swaped body's for 5 minutes!" Stan concluded.

"Woahhhh, thats the coolest thing ever!" "We actually did that too!" Mabel cherred. Ford looked up. "Really?" He inquired.

Dipper nodded. "Yeah, last summer we discovered this secret room with the carpet in it, and Mabel, Blubs, Durand, Soos, Waddles, Candy and Grenda all swaped body's!' He explained.

Ford hurriedly wrote it down. "Yeah dude, I was a pig for like, a day and that creepy old dude tried to eat me!" "Fun times Man!" Soos laughed. Ford stared at him for a moment. "Ok..."

"Wait a minute, you kids found the carpet in a room?" "That's my room!" Ford declared.

"Wha???" Inquired Mabel. Ford eyed his twin suspucially. "You hid my room Lee, why?" He demanded.

Stan shrugged. "Well...after ya disappeard and the kids came over, Wendy and Soos started workin' here, I didn't want em to find out about you yet and risk getting hurt." He explained.

"Is that why you hid those glasses in your pocket when we found the room?" "They were Great Uncle Ford's?" Dipper asked.

Stan gave a sigh and nodded. "Yes, I'll be honest with ya, I nearly broke down when I saw Sixer's was just a cruel reminder of what I did." He explained sadly.

"You really missed me, didn't you Lee?" Ford inquired softly. "Well, I missed you too." He admitted.

Everyone in the shack awwed and Mabel blurted out, "Hug it out, hug it out!" She chanted.
The Stan's shrugged before embracing one another.

"Scrapbook-ortinity!" Mabel cherred snapping at least 20 pictures.

"I missed you too Sixer." Stan admitted smiling. "I knew it..."

"Sometimes childhood makes you wonder..."

A/N: Hey peeps! Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Looks like the Pines had a relaxing day, reliving memories, talking....that was the second day...they still have 5 more days of freedom before he returns...what will unfold? Will there be Mawill? Will everyone switch body's once more? Stay tuned to chapter 2 to find out!

what will unfold? Will there be Mawill? Will everyone switch body's once more? Stay tuned to chapter 2 to find out!

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The pic above is of the Stan twins in their body swapping memory!😊😀

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