It began in tragedy...

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It started out just as any ordinary day in Gravity Falls, Oregon. Dipper and Mabel Pines set out along with their great uncles and close friends on a quest taking place near the woods.

They had just been walking when suddenly, the ground shook. The individuals struggled to keep from falling to the ground.

"Earthquake!" "Everyone get down!" There Great uncle Ford ordered pulling everyone to the safety of the ground. Once the shaking ceased, they carefully rose, waiting for an expectant aftershock.

"Everyone ok?" Stanley Pines asked helping up his twin.

The magority of them nodded shakily. "I think so Grunkle Stan, what about you?" Dipper asked helping Mabel stand.

"I'm fine kid, how's your sister?" Stan replied concerned for his great niece.

"I'm great Grunkle Stan!" She merrily replied brushing the dust off of her sweater. "Just a little dirty!"

Stan smiled in relief. "Wendy, Soos, Sixer?" "How you holding up?" He asked.

"I'm cool dudes!" Soos replied grabbing his hat from the ground.

"I'm good too, has anyone seen my ax?" Wendy replied searching the ground.

Ford moaned before standing. "I'm alright Stanley." He answered.

"Hm, I guess we'd better head back to the shack, that earthquake broke down that tree right in our path, sorry kids." Stan said looking at the twins.

"Wait Grunkle Stan, maybe Wendy can use her ax to cut it!" Dipper suggested.

"Sorry dorks, wish I could but I sorta lost it when I fell." Wendy replied shrugging.

"That's ok, I guess we should head back before another quake starts." Mabel decided smiling at the older teen.

They had all decided it would be safer to head back, and quickly escaped back to the shack.

"I'll be in my lab kids, I have a very important experiment I've conjured, and don't want you going in there, understand?" Ford prodded firmly.

Both twins nodded, Dipper somewhat hesitantly. Ford gave a nod and headed to the lab.

Mabel noticed her brother's downcast look. "Hey bro bro, what ya thinking?" She asked sitting next to him.

Dipper gave a sigh. "It's nothing Mabel, I just wish Great Uncle Ford would trust us more with his work, I mean I know he's just trying to protect us, but I just wish he'd give us a chance." He Explained.

Mabel playfully nudged her brother. "Dipper, you need to stop thinking about great Uncle Ford, and start thinking about me beating you in attic golf!" She said.

Dipper couldn't help but smile. No matter how upset he was he just couldn't resist attic golf.

"Oh, your on!" Dipper replied grabbing a golf club.

They ran into the attic and started setting up their course.

"Alright Mabel, ready to lose?" Dipper teased playfully, hitting his ball.

"Yeah right, your going down dippin sauce!" Mabel replied hitting her ball mistakenly out thr open window.

"Aw nuts, be right back bro bro, be prepared too lose!" She called running outside to retrive her ball.

She saw that it had rolled underneith the shack. She crawled into the hole to grab it, but instead plunged right through a hole and found herself in Ford's bunker.

"Oops, I guess I'd better get out of here before-hey what's that?" She asked out loud seeing a futuristic portal in the middle of the room.
Mabel saw that there was no sign of her Grunkle at the moment and tried to get a small peek at the new invention.

"Huh, this must be Grunkle Ford's new invention he told us about." She wispered.

The door swung open. "Mabel!?" "What are you doing here?!" "Get away from that, it's dangerous!" Ford scolded his great niece.

Mabel, spooked by her Grunkle's sudden outburst, fell and accidently hit a small switch, turning on the portal .

Ford gasped in shock. "Mabel, don't get too close to it, You'll be sucked in!" Ford yelled in anger and fear.

Mabel gasped and started to run away from the portal, but she tripped and fell, grabbing onto the edge with both hands and crying out in fear. "Grunkle Ford, help me!"

Ford stared in panic. He reached for his great niece.

Dipper had been waiting for Mabel to return with their ball for at least ten minutes and was getting worried. He decided to see if she was ok.

"Maybe she couldn't find the ball?" Dipper thought in worry. He ran outside. He saw Mabel's footprints leading to the hole under the shack where he once accidently fell in.

"Oh no..." He thought as he heard the terrified screams of Mabel and Ford. He ran to the bunker in panic.

Mabel was still holding on. And Ford was still trying to reach her. "Don't let go, Hang on!" He pleaded. Dipper ran in to see his sister halfway in a portal, and Ford trying to save her.

"Mabel!" He cried running to help her.

Ford stopped him. "No Dipper, don't get too close, You'll get sucked in too!" He scolded.

"Dipper!" Mabel cried as she let go, unable to hold on any longer.

"Dipper!" A frightened Mabel called. She felt herself drifting farther and farther away from her brother. "Mabel!" Dipper shouted back, attempting to reach for her. "Dipper, don't leave me!" Mabel cried tearfully quickly becoming a blur in the endless portal. "Mabel!" Dipper cried back.He had been too late...Mabel Pines was gone...

A/N: Hey peeps! Hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter of my new book! Comment and vote, I'll have the next part up by tommarow! Enjoy the book!😄


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