Where am I?

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Mabel's pov:

"Mabel?!" "What are you doing here?!" "Get away from that, it's dangerous!" I heard my Grunkle Ford shout in worry.

I got scared when Grunkle Ford burst in and I fell, turning on the portal.

Grunkle Ford gasped and yelled for me not to get too close to it because I'd get sucked in!

I gasped and started to run away from the portal, but I fell and grabbed the edge of it trying not to get sucked in.

"Grunkle Ford help me!" I cried helplessly hanging on for dear life.
Grunkle Ford started to panic and reach for me.

"Don't let go, hang on!" Grunkle Ford yelled.

I saw my bro bro Dipper run in and shouting my name, reaching for me. But Grunkle Ford stopped him saying he'd get sucked in too!

"Dipper!" I cried out in fear.
Losing my grip. I couldn't hold on anymore and let go, drifting away from Dippy and Grunkle Ford.

"Dipper, don't leave me!" I yelled starting to cry. They quickly became a blur as I fell faster into darkness


I kept sobbing as I drifted away from my family. Why did I go into the bunker? Why?!

I look around and see a swirl of rainbow colors around me.

"Woah!" I gasp.

I feel myself falling faster than before. Goodbye Dipper, goodbye Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford, Waddles, Goodbye everyone, I'll miss you!
I silently pray tearfully.

I'm starting to think I'll be stuck in here for 30 years like Grunkle Ford was.

"D-Dipper." I sob hugging my knees.

Suddenly, I stop falling. I no longer see a swirl of rainbow color, all I see is a bright white light in the darkness.

"I guess this is the end..." I wisper closing my eyes.

After a minute, I open my eyes. I find myself unharmed in a beautiful new place!

I slowly stand looking around.
I see flowers everywhere... Am I dead?!

I pinch myself to be sure that I'm still alive. I am!

Where am I??? I drift off to sleep suddenly feeling exausted. As I close my eyes I only think of my family and friends.

"Hey shooting Star, you ok?"  A familiar voice asks sounding worried. Bill?!

I open my eyes to see the evil triangle demon staring down at me.

"Bill?!" "What are you doing here?!" "Get away from me!" I yell.
"Woah, calm down shooting Star, I'm not Bill, I'm Will...his slightly more mature and kind twin brother!" The demon replies.

I stare at him in suspision. I notice that his suit and cane are a little lighter in color than Bill's. On his hat was a carved w.

"Ok, Will..." I say.

"How did you wind up in our demension?" Will asked politely.

I frown sadly. "I um fell through a portal that my Grunkle Ford built and ended up here." I wisper uncertainty. I still don't fully trust him knowing that he's related to Bill.

"Ah, yes my brother has told me all about your family, I sincerely apologize that he tried to kill you last summer, he can be quite ignorant." Will said rolling his eyes.

"Oh, um thanks..." I say nervously.

"Don't worry, my brother won't be bothering you or your family for quite some time, he is away in another dimension visiting relatives, he shouldn't be back for a while." Will assured me.

I breathed a sigh of relief. But all I really wanted right now was to go back home to the shack and see everyone again. Would I ever get back?

"Um Will, It was nice to meet you but I really miss my family and was wondering if there was some way I could get out of this portal and back to Gravity Falls?" I asked hopefully.

Will thought a moment. "Well  once something or someone has entered that portal, the only way out would be for the portal to be opened again." He explained. "But, if the portal is destroyed, there's no way out..."

I gasped. How was I going to get them to open the portal? What if they destroy it?

Please open the portal Dipper...

A/N: Hey peeps! So, that was Mabel's pov! In the next chapter, it takes place in the shack where Grunkle Ford and everyone tries to come up with a plan to save Mabel. Stay tuned for chapter 4!😄😍😘

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Thx enjoy!😍😘

Plz comment and vote!Thx enjoy!😍😘

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he pick above is the demension Mabel landed in, Will will be drawn soon!😊


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