Why did you build it?

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Dipper paced infront of the living room tv. Stan had just called Grenda, Candy, Gideon and Pacifica in case the plan worked.

The door burst open. "Alright were here!" Grenda announced out of breath.

"Now kids, I need you to listen to me." Ford spoke firmly. "We haven't gotten Mabel out yet, but were hoping this plan with the journals works."

The four nodded quickly waiting for him to continue.

"You all can be there when it happens so you can see Mabel, but you need to stay away from the portal, alright?" Ford asked.

They nodded again. "Come this way then." He led them to the vending machine and opened the door to his lab.

"Ooohh!" Spoke Candy.

"You built all this Fordster?" Gideon asked.

Ford smiled. "Some of it, Stanley did most of it, also...don't call me Fordster."

Stan, Dipper, Wendy and Soos stood closer than the others, but not too close to get hurt.

They all stood back as Ford set up his jounals. He spoke a chant and hoped it would work.

The group stood paitently and waited. Ford tried again. After a minute he sighed and looked somomly at them.

"I'm sorry, but it didn't work..." He said sadly.

Candy and Grenda hung their heads and walked out of the shack. Pacifica and Gideon exchanged sad glances before tearfully exiting the shack.

That only left Wendy, Soos, Dipper and Stan.

Ford sighed and looked down. He half expexted his brother to yell at him for not being able to save Mabel. Instead, Stan calmly spoke.

"Don't be too hard on yourself Sixer, like ya said, it's a completly different portal than the first one." "There must be some other way to get Mabel out." Stan said smiling.

Ford looked up at his brother.
"Thanks Stanley, I um half expexted you to be furious with me, after all this mess is all my fault." "I was foolish to build another portal, I'm sorry I put you and the kids through all of this Lee." Ford said.

"Don't be Sixer, but what's the real reason you built another portal?" Stan asked.
Ford took a breath.

"The truth is, The original portal-The one I was trapped in for 30 years was desroyed during weirdmagedden...So, I took the remains of it and got a few new ideas, thus creating a second portal." Ford explained.

"But why?" Stan wondered.

"That portal, was the first accomplishment of mine that was a success, I couldn't bring it in my heart to dispose of it, so I rebuilt it..." Ford said.

"Sixer, you've had more than one accomplishment, there was that machine that ya built 30 years ago...that I destroyed." Stan sighed. "I'm sorry about that Ford, I was the one who destroyed it, I pushed you in, I-

"Stanletly it's fine, I forgive you I'm sorry too, for everything." Ford replied.

"Thanks Sixer, keep workin' on that portal, I believe in ya." Stan said smiling.

"Awwww!" Everyone exclaimed. Including Pacifica, Gideon,Candy and Grenda.

"You all came back?" "Even after the solution didn't work?" Ford inquired.

"Of course, Mabel is our friend!" Replied Candy. "AND NO FRIEND GETS LEFT BEHIND!" shouted Grenda.

"Yeah, and I've gotta admit...I might have a lil' ol crush on Mabel still heehee." Giggled Gideon.

"We are not letting Mabel down!" Pacifica declared. "Also, she owes me $5 bucks..."

The door swung open revealing Sherrif Blubs and Deputy Derland, the gnomes, Mermando, sev'eral Timez, Toby Determined, Manley Dan, Lazy Susan, Mcgucket and Abuilita.

"Um, hi everyone!" Dipper greeted. "Um, why are you all here?"

"We brought them with us, we thought they could help us!" Gideon answered.

"Oh, well as you all know, Mabel is in terrible trouble in that portal, and were going to help her!" Dipper declared receiving a Shout of approval from the crowd.

"Alright, so my brother is working on a solution to rescue Mabel, but until then, stay nearby got it?" Stan ordered.

Everyone nodded and headed outside.

"Ok Sixer, what's the plan?" Stan asked.

"Well, we already know placing the journals won't do any good, so I'll try to think of something else, in the meantime, search through the journals for me Dipper, and Stanley, I'll need a few things for my next idea." "Please find me some jumper cables, a pack of D batteries, and a tuna sandwich on rye."

"Alright, I get needing cables and batteries, but why the sandwich?" Stan asked.

"To eat, all this work is making me hungry and I'll need the brain food to think on a solution for the portal."

Stan nodded. They all left leaving Ford alone in his lab.

"There's got to be a way..."

A/N: Hey peeps! Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! The next chapter will be Mabel's pov and meeting a certain 'someone'! What plan does Ford have? What is going through Dipper's head? Stay tuned for chapter 7!😘😍

The pic above is the journal plan Ford attempted that sadly failed 😉😳

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Thx Enjoy!😘😍


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