An Escape Plan

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"Wake up Shooting Star, you ok down there?" A concerned voice asked.

Mabel opened her eyes to see Will staring down at her. "Um,I think so, what happened?" She asked.

"You fainted." Will replied. "After I told you that you may or may not get back home...Yeah."

"Oh...Will, how do I get my family to open the portal?" "How can I keep it from being destroyed?" Mabel asked.

"Well...the truth is shooting Star, I don't know how to prevent the portal from being destoyed, or how to connect to someone from another dimension."Will admitted.

"Oh...well do you know someone who knows?" Mabel asked.

"Yes, but your not going to like it..." Will hesitated.

"I'll do anything..." Mabel wispered.

*Cue theme song with Will and Mabel*

Will summoned Bill and he appeared staring at Mabel.

booming voice.

"Um, Will is there anyone else besides him?" Mabel asked.

"Nope...sorry." Will replied.


"First of all it's Will!" "Second of all, she got sucked into a poral and landed here, now we need you to tell us how to get her back to Gravity falls." Will explained.

"Hmm, So Shooting Star misses her idiot brother Pine Tree does she?" Bill thought aloud.

"Hey!" "Don't talk that way about Dipper!" "Look, can you please help me get home?" "Pretty please?" Mabel pleaded.

"Sure I'll help ya Shooting Star, but you'll have to do something for me." Bill agreed smiling evily.

"No!" "I'd never make a deal with you Bill!" Mabel shouted.

"Ok then, have fun spending the rest of your life here away from your family and friends forever!" Bill replied disappearing.

"Wait!" "Ok Bill, I'll make the deal with you after I get back home to Gravity Falls." Mabel Decided.
"But, you have to promise not to hurt any of my family or friends!"

Bill thought for a minute. "Alright Shooting Star, you've got a deal!" "Should we shake on it?" Bill asked holding out his hand. The blue flames were already lit.

I'm not falling for that trick that easily! "We'll shake after you help me get home to Gravity Falls." Mabel replied.

"Smart move, your way more of a genius than that dimwitted Pine Tree!" Bill said.

Mabel gave a silent nod. "So, what do I do?"

"Well, as my annoying brother told ya, you need to 'take over' someone or something in order to get your family's attention."
"But, if the portal gets destroyed, on the bright side you get to stay will us for all eternity!" Bill explained.

"You mean I have to possess someone!?" Mabel shouted.

"Or something!" "You have that puppet duplicate of yourself right?" Bill asked.

"Yeah why?" Mabel replied.

"You can use that just like Pine Tree did at your play, remember?" Bill answered.

Mabel's face lit up with a smile. "Oh yeah!" "Thanks Bill, but it's in the shack, how am I gonna grab it?" She inquired.

"Easy!" Bill said poofing up the sock puppet. Mabel watched in shock. "How did you do that?!"

Bill shrugged. "When your a dream demon, you can poof up objects that you took the body of in the past."

"Woah!" "That is sooo cool!" Mabel squealed.

"Thanks kid, now just float into it and then I can poof you to the mystery shack." Bill replied.

Mabel looked skeptically at the demon. "You better not steal my body like you did Dipper's!" She scolded.

Bill scoffed. "Relax Shooting Star, I'm not making that mistake again!" "That kid had sweaty noodles for arms!" He replied.

"Alright, here I go!" Mabel announced floating into the sock puppet and taking it's form.
"Ugh, this sock puppet smells like feet!" She complained.

"Um yeah, your feet Shooting Star." Will replied. "It's your sock."

"Oh, so Bill can you teleport me to Gravity Falls now?" Mabel asked.

Bill nodded. "Sure Shooting Star, hold on." He agreed grabbing her and transporting them both to Gravity Falls.

"Thanks, now how do I get my body back?" She asked.

"Well, according to the 'demons guide to possession', you can't ecess your body until your free from the portal, so your kinda stuck as a puppet until then kid." Will explained.

"Oh, so the sooner I get them to realize how to free me, the sooner I'll be out of the portal and back into my body?" Mabel inquired.

Bill and Will nodded. "Yeah, that's about right, we'll leave you here to do your part, then we'll be back after your out of the portal to seal our deal." Bill declared.

Mabel nodded. She had forgotten about her deal with Bill.

The demons disappeard leaving sock puppet Mabel alone in Her own thoughts.

Don't worry Dipper, I'm coming...

A/N: Hey peeps! So, looks like Mabel is a sock puppet right now! Can she find Dipper in time to tell him her escape plan? Is bill planning something? Will Ford's journal idea miraculously work? Stay tuned for chapter 7 to find out!

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Thx Enjoy!😘😍

The pic at the top is sock puppet Mabel

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The pic at the top is sock puppet Mabel


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