What do we do?

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Dipper stared blankly at the portal. His sister was gone...he couldn't save her.

Stan, who'd been outside and heard the commotion burst into the bunker in panic. He saw the guilt and sorrow written on their faces. "Sixer, what's going on in here?" "I heard you yelling and-
"Wait, where's Mabel?" Stan asked.

*cue theme song*

Dipper looked down sadly. Ford did also, then spoke. "I'm sorry Stanley, Mabel- she fell through the portal, Dipper and I tried to save her...we were too late." Ford explained sorrowfully.

Stan's facial expression turned from worry to anger and angust.

"She what?!" "Ford, what the heck did you do?!" " What am I going to tell their parents?!" "Why would you even think to build another portal?!" Stan yelled angrily at his brother.

"S-Stanley I- Ford began.

"It was my fault Grunkle Stan." Dipper interrupted with a wisper. Stan looked in confusion at him.

"What do you mean kid?" "Tell me what happened." Stan pleaded gently.

Dipper took a shakey breath. "M-Mabel and I were playing attic golf, and her ball flew out the window s-so she went to get it and- The boy stopped looking to Ford to finish the rest.

"When I came in here, I saw her dangerously close to the portal so I yelled to her to get away, but I scared her and she fell in." Ford grimly explained.

Stan looked in panic at the portal before running to it, preparing to  jump in after Mabel. Ford saw what was about to happen and quickly closed the portal causing Stan to fall to the floor.

Ford and Dipper helped him up. "Stanley what were you thinking?" "We just lost Mabel, we don't want to lose you too!"

"I was going to save her!" Stan replied angrily. "Why did you even build that portal in the first place Ford?" "After all that I did to bring you back!"

Ford looked down in same. "That isn't important Stanley, what's important is that we get Mabel out."

"How?" Dipper questioned miserably. "It took you 30 years to get great uncle Ford out, it won't take that long to save Mabel right?"

Ford sighed. "I can't say first sure Dipper." "We could get her out today, or in a week...there's no estimate on how long it will take." He replied.

Dipper looked longingly at the portal trying not to cry. He wished they hadn't even played attic golf. Then maybe his sister would still be standing next to him now.

Stan pulled Dipper into a well needed hug. "It'll be ok Dipper, we'll get Mabel out, I promise."

Dipper nodded in response. He heard the door open to reveal Wendy and Soos.

"Hey dudes, why's everyone in here and where's Hambone?" Soos asked using his nickname for Mabel.

"Did something happen to Mabel?!" Wendy asked fearfully.

"Yes, something did happen..." Stan said. "She's gone."

They gasped in shock waiting for an explanation.

Ford sighed before leading everyone into the living room to explain.

"Alright, Mabel fell through a portal I was working on, she's gone...but, were going to form a plan of action to get her out." Ford told them.

Wendy stood staring at the bunker confedintly. "I'll help."
"Me too dudes!" Soos agreed.

"Alright, I'm going to make a few calls, don't go anywhere." Stan ordered.

In almost an instant, Mabel's best friends Candy and Grenda burst in to the shack. "We came as soon as we heard!" Grenda shouted.
"Yes, is Mabel going to be ok?" Candy asked.

"Calm down, were working on a plan but there's still a few more people I need to call." Stan replied.

The girls nodded and sat in silence. In less than a second, two more people ran into the shack.

Pacifica Northwest and Gideon Gleeful who were now allies of Mabel. "We need to help her now!" Gideon ordered fiercely. He had to admit, he still had a major crush on Mabel.

"Yeah, we have to help her!" "It's our second summer as friends and she's the only one I've ever had!" Pacifica agreed tearfully.

"Everyone calm down, we will save Mabel I promise, I know your all worried about Mabel, but we need to construct a plan in order to get her our as soon as possible." Ford called firmly.

The panicked teens relaxed for a moment. Dipper stared off tearfully into the direction of the portal.

"Were coming for you Mabel, I promise." He wispered.

A/N: Hey peeps! Hope y'all enjoyed the second chapter! The next one will be about Mabel's pov and what she's feeling as she is in the portal. What new land will she come across? What plan will her friends come up with? Find out in chapter 3!

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Thx enjoy!

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he pic at the top is the seconds right before Mabel is sucked into the portal!


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