A Grappling Hook Adventure

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Mabel burst into the shack with her grappling hook in her hand, and her new grappling hook Sweater she knitted. "Who's ready for a grappling hook adventure?!" She inquired.

*Cue theme song*

"A what?" Dipper asked looking up from the journal.

"A grappling hook adventure!" "C'mon, it'll be fun!" Mabel repeated smiling.

"Um...you know I'm afraid of heights right?" Stan asked nervously.

"Still?" "I thought you got over that last summer, then Mabel got your fear of heights!" Ford replied.

"Nope!" "Mine went away!" Mabel squealed using the small gadget to lift herself into the air.

"Yeah...I may have gotten my memory back, but my fear of heights hasn't left..." Stan replied.

"Don't worry Mr. Pines, you'll be fine, c'mon it might actually be fun!" Wendy encouraged.

"Yes, believe me Stanley, it's not that bad!" Will promised floating over Stan.

Stan thought for a moment. "Alright, but I won't enjoy it!" He declared making Ford and Mabel laugh. Mabel grabbed all of the grappling hooks she could find, plus Waddes...and hurried outside.

They all piled into Stan's car. "So um...where exactly are we headin' kid?" Stan asked.

"To a cliff of course!" "How else are we supposed to grapple off?" Mabel replied smiling.

Stan paled. "G-Grapple off?!" He squeaked swerving the car a little in shock. Ford quickly took the wheel, steading the car.

"Relax Lee!" "You'll be fine, I promise!" He coaxed. 

Stan sighed. "Look, I'm sorry ok?" "I don't think I'll ever get over this dumb fear..." He muttered shamefully.

"How did you get that fear anyway Grunkle Stan?" Dipper asked.

Stan thought for a minute as if to recall the memory. "It was long ago...45 years before you kids were born." He began.

"C'mon Lee!" An 8 year old Ford called to his twin. "Wait up Sixer!" Stan replied hurrying to catch up with him. They approached a large tree on top of a cliff.

Being the more.adventurous brother, Stan went first and started to climb. Ford followed close behind. Once Stan reached the highest branch, he looked off into the distance at the view.

"Woah!" "Hurry up Ford, the veiw is awesome!" Stan called.

"Almost *pant* there Lee!" Ford breathed climbing as fast as he could.

Stan looked down automatically and felt dizzy. The ground wavered below him. He wabbled and fell...

"Stanley!" Ford cried. Stan quickly clung to the branch hanging of for dear life.

"Stanford, help me!" Stan called squezzing his eyes shut.

"Hang on Lee, I'm coming!" Ford replied quickly grabbing for his brother. They both fell, landing in a small bush.

Once they were saftey on the ground, Stan couldn't stop shaking. "T-Thanks Sixer." He exclaimed.

"Are you ok Lee?" Ford asked checking him over.

"I-I'm ok, but um...Sixer?" Stan began. "I think I have a fear of heights..." Stan muttered.

"That's ok, I won't make you climb that tree again." Ford promised.

Stan gave a small smile. "Thanks Sixer." He replied.

And with that, the Pines twins headed home without a word of their tramatic encounter.

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