Gifts of love

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Mabel slowly walked into the shack wearing her Will Cipher sweater that she had knitted. She was planning to give one to Will with her picture on it. She just had to find the right thing to say.

"Hey Pumpkin, whatcha got there?" Stan asked walking in. Mabel quickly hid the sweater. "It's nothing Grunkle Stan!" She shouted blushing and running to her and Dipper's room.

"Yeesh, something's up with her and by the way she's blushin' I'm guessin' it's Will!" Stan said to himself.

Will was just outside the shack holding a medium size box and looking around hesitantly. Dipper was walking by and noticed his unusual behavior.
"Um Will?" "What is that?" He asked gestering to the box.

Will eyed him quickly. "Oh, it's nothing Dipper!" "Just an old box!" He lied. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go over there now!" He announced blushing and teleporting away.

Dipper stood in confusion. "Ok?" "That was weird..." He thought to himself as he entered the shack.

Stan burst into his brother's bunker making him jump and drop a glass vile. "Lee, what the heck are you doing?!" He demanded trying not to explode with anger.

"Sorry Sixer, but Mabel was acting a little strange earlier and I thought maybe she drank some weird potion or something." Stan explained.

Ford frowned in worry immediatly closing the journal. "Is she alright?" "tell me what happened!" He ordered in concern.

"Relax Poindexter, she came out wearing a sweater with Will on it and was holding a box...I asked her what it was, but she hurried to their room and said it was nothing." Stan explained.

Ford breathed a sigh or relief. "Sounds like Mabel has a surprise for Will!" "They are a thing now!" He decided.

Stan nodded. "You might be right Sixer, thanks." He called before running outside to find Mabel.

Dipper ran into the lab and bumped into Ford. "Sorry Great Uncle Ford, but Will has been acting...different today and I thought you might know why." Dipper explained standing up.

"Dipper, Stanley came in here seconds ago telling me that Mabel was acting the same way...was he carrying a box?" Ford asked.

Dipper nodded. "Yeah, I asked him what it was and he teleported away." He said.

"If my assumptioms are correct, I'd say that Mabel made something for Will and Will has something for Mabel...since there kind of....a couple now." Ford declared.

"Thanks Great Uncle Ford, I'm glad he's not posessed or anything." Dipper replied.

"No problem Dipper, but I think we should talk to Will and convince him to give Mabel what he wants to give her." Ford decided.

"I think your right." Dipper agreed. "But who will talk to Mabel?"

"Stanley's already on it with Wendy, so that leaves Will with us." Ford answered.

*Cue theme song*

Meanwhile, Stan was carefully watching Mabel in her room.
She was carefully knitting a sweater with herself on it.

"Mabel sweetie?" He called softly not wanting to startle her and risk messing up her sweater. She looked up and smiled nervously.
"Come in Grunkle Stan!" She called.

He entered the room and inspected her work. "This looks wonderful Pumpkin!" He commented.  Mabel smiled wearily. "You really think so?" She replied uncertainly.

Stan nodded and ruffled her hair. "Course kiddo!" "Listen I uh noticed you seemed a little secretive about that sweater, did you make it for Will?" He asked smiling.

Mabel nodded. "Yeah, I want to ask him on a first date and I wanted to make Will something special, so I knitted him this." She explained.

"Ah, I get it...your worried about what he'll say?" Stan concluded. "I'm almost certain he'll love it kiddo, because he loves you." Stan encouraged.

Mabel beamed and attacked Stan in a hug. "Thanks Grunkle Stan, I'll give it too him tonight!" She decided.

"Your welcome kid." Stan replied happy that he could help. He left the room and went to find his twin. Mabel went back to her knitting .

Meanwhile, Ford and Dipper were looking outside for Will. "Hey Will, you out here?" Dipper called. A second later the demon appeared holding the box as before. "Y-Yes?" He inquired anxiously.

"Will, may I ask whats in the box?" "please?" Ford asked. Will sighed before opening it and revealing a pink sweater with himself on it. "It's for Mabel, we're planning a date and um...he explained.

"And you wanted to give her something special?" Dipper asked. Will nodded. "Yes...I love her so much and wanted to make her this but...I'm not sure how to give it to her." He mused.

"Will trust me, she'll absolutely love it!" Ford stated smiling. "Dont worry, she loves anything pink and if it's from you she'll love it even more." He encouraged.

The demon lit up with happiness. "Are you sure?" "Also...if it's alright with you, I was wondering if I could ask Mabel on a first date?" He asked hesitantly.

Ford thought a moment. "Well, Yes...I think she deserves it after all this commotion, you may ask her on a date, but please be home before 9!" He agreed with a smile.

Will embraced him. "Thank you so much Stanford!" He beamed in excitement.

"Your very welcome, now go give her that sweater!" Ford replied playfully. "I will, see you soon!" Will answered teleporting inside. Ford followed with pride Dipper did the same.

Later that day, both Mabel and Will entered the living room blushing. "Will, I made this for you...I hope you like it."Mabel announced.

Will opened the box and gasped. "Y-you knitted me a sweater?"
"N-No human has ever done that for me, Thank you Mabel." Will exclaimed tearing up.

The shack awwwed as Mabel hugged Will. "I made you something too Mabel, here." Will declared handing her the carefully wrapped box. Mabel opened it and squealed.

"You knitted me a Will Cipher sweater, thank you so much Will!" "I love it even more than my old one! She cheered choking him in a hug. "I um have something to ask you..." She said blushing.

"What is it?" Will asked blushing also. Mabel glanced nervously at Dipper and Stan who both winked and gave her a smile.

"Will, will you go on a date with me?" Mabel asked confidently. Will beamed a bright pink and replied...

"yes, I was going to ask you the same thing, yes I'd love to go on a date with you!" He cheered pulling her into a kiss. The entire shack awwed tearfully at the scene.

"The time for first dates are upon us..."

A/N: Hey peeps! Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Looks like Will and Mabel are headed on a first date! What will unfold? Will Mabel be nervous? Will Stan and and Ford hire Dipper to spy on them? Stay tuned to chapter 21 to find out!

*************************A/N: Hey peeps! Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Looks like Will and Mabel are headed on a first date! What will unfold? Will Mabel be nervous? Will Stan and and Ford hire Dipper to spy on them? Stay tuned to chapter 21 to ...

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The pic above is Will and Mabel in their sweaters!💖😊

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