"Guys I need your help I lost my daughter and her boyfriend!" He quickly explained

"Hi daddy!" The girl smiled while waving

"Daddy?" I asked clearly confused along with Brooklyn.

"Sheila, Julian what are you doing here! You guys scared the crap out of me!" Roman sighed. "Julian go call your mom she wanted to speak to you!" Roman continued.

"Now what happened to you?" Roman asked Sheila entering and sitting next to her on the couch.

"Well Julian and I were ding dong ditching and I fell and got a rug burn on my knee so yeah." She explained looking down

"Ahh we got ourselves a prankster. We're going to be great friends!" I laughed

"So this is your daughter? That's why she looks kinda like you!" Brooklyn pointed out making Sheila laugh

"Alright since we're already here, Shay this is Dean Ambrose and that's is Brooklyn Skye!" Roman introduced

"Dad you act as if I DONT watch WWE!" 

"Oh who's your favorite wrestler of all time?" I asked

"Dean it's obviously going to be Roman Reigns!" Brooklyn said raising Romans hand high

"Yeah I wish!" Roman laughed "I'm not her favorite wait till you here this!"

"My favorite is THE LUNATIC FRINGE, DEAN AMBROSE!" She shouted. I smiled a started dancing


"Do you want a stripper pole with that?" Brooklyn asked

"Watch it!" Roman warned

"Oh like I haven't heard things like that before. I'm not so inoccent anymore, I know things!" Sheila laughed. Romans eyes went wide when he realized what Sheila just said. Brooklyn and I laughed hesterically.


"Yes?" She asked with an inoccent look on her face only making Brooklyn and I laugh harder.

"I like her! She's halrious!" I laughed

"Then take her. She's free!" Roman offered a small smirk appearing on his face.

"Wow don't I feel loved by my dad!" Sheila said her voice full of sarcasm.

"Let's go bring her to the others." Brooklyn giggled

"Well then change and give me my shirt back!" I spoke

"Fine." She sighed


Brooklyn's  P.O.V.

We were at the arena waiting for smack down to start. Sheila was talking with all of Black Empire.

"Alright so let me get this straight! This is your daughter and you let her have a boyfriend? Knowing you Roman I thought you wouldn't let her!" Randy asked referring to Sheila

"Trust me I had to convince him to let me have a boyfriend. It wasn't easy! It took a Superman punch and Spear!" Sheila explained making everyone laugh.

"So what sports do you play besides the fact that your wearing basketball shorts?" Seth asked

"I play soccer, tennis and basketball!" She beamed

"We should have a boys vs girls basketball game!" Dolph suggested

"Oh yes and I can kick all of your butts!" Sheila exclaimed

"Please I've played basketball my whole life. You can't kick my butt!" Seth said

"Is that a challenge Rollins?" She asked getting up from her seat

"Bring it on Reigns!" He challenged

"Seth are you stupid. You should know to NEVER challenge a Reigns because they will whoop your ass. Haven't you learned this when you challenge Roman in stuff?" Becky said

"What color flowers do you want for your funeral?!" Sasha laughed.

"Hey Seth all I'm telling you is good luck because knowing my own daughter and getting my ass beat by her in basketball, your going to need it!" Roman said patting Seth's shoulder.

"What did you get yourself into big brother!" I laughed

"You know, I don't even know!" He whispered looking towards Sheila.


Hope you guys like this chapter I'm so sorry I skipped last week I was just stressed with high school and scholarships to places so yeah. This was just basically introducing myself into the book and every thing in here is true. Any way please vote and comment.~Sheila💖

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