Walking over to the ranker dorm, she felt something coming up behind her. Working on instinct alone, she grabbed one of her blades and turned, holding it to the neck of whoever tried to sneak up on her.

"Corvin!" she cried out, moving her blade away from his neck. "By the gods, I could've killed you!"

He laughed. "It's alright, that was my fault for sneaking up on you," he said. "Were you coming to see me anyway?"

"Yea, actually," she replied, falling into step as they headed towards the building. "Lilith threatened to confiscate my blades if I didn't rest this weekend. She already took my books."

"Well, you have been working yourself too hard lately," he said. "I was starting to get worried, too."

She smiled, nudging him with her shoulder. "At least I realized before I worked myself to death," she chuckled.

"Hey, do you want to come up? I have a few things my parents wanted to give you," he said. "I forgot to give them to you last time you came up." Ro nodded, wondering if something was wrong. This is...wrong, she thought. He's not telling me something, I know it.

They made their way up the stairs, Corvin taking her hand and leading her up. He doesn't need to lead me up, does he? He pushed open the door, holding it open for her and locking it behind them. He never locks the door. Something is wrong. All of her instincts were screaming at her to run. "Come on, they're back here," he said, walking to his bedroom. "Go ahead and sit, if you want."

He wouldn't look her in the face her. He kept muttering under his breath, just low enough that she couldn't make out the words. Corvin sighed and ran a hand through his hair, turning. "I'm sorry, Ro, but I lied." She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off. "I don't have anything for you."

"What do you mean-" He held a hand up and walked to the edge of the bed, taking her hands in his. "Corvin, what's going on?"

"I-" he sighed. "Why must this be so hard?" He looked into her eyes, making her heart flutter. "Rosalie, I...I love you."

"What?" she said weakly. Her mouth was suddenly very dry. "Corvin, I don't think this is a good idea," she saw his face fall, "but the feeling is mutual. But we're just teenagers, for christ's sake! I'm trying to focus on being a good queen for our world and having a relationshi-"

She was cut off by lips pressed to her own. All she could see was Corvin's eyelids as he kissed. This is wrong, was all she could think. At that moment, the door swung open.

"What the hell?!" Corvin was standing in the doorway, looking at himself kissing Rosalie. Ro panicked and pushed the imposter off her, drawing her blades and pointing them at the one on the floor. A hurt and confused expression was on his face. "Ro! Are you okay?" said the real Corvin.

"Yea, I'm perfectly fine. Not at all freaked out about how there are two of you," she hissed, not taking her eyes off the one on the floor. She pointed a sword at both of them. "But even though I have a very strong suspicion of who the imposter is, I still need to be sure." Ro looked to the one on the floor. "What did I say I'd do to you when you taught me how to dance?"

"You said you'd step on my feet since you didn't know how," he said calmly. The one standing smirked.

"Wrong answer," Ro said. His face twisted into a sneer. "Good, you've decided keeping up the charade was pointless. And as you might have noticed," she said, digging the tip of her blade into his skin, "my blades are anything but pointless."

The imposter laughed. "I might end up dead, but so will you in the end," he jeered. "You've got a pretty price on your head, little princess, and everyone in the realm wants it. Someone is pissed that you're alive." He turned to Corvin. "You should've see how she let herself believe whatever I said. It was almost too easy. Did you know that she loves you? She told me hersel-" Rosalie flicked her sword enough to score a cut on his jaw. It bled black.

Rosalie's Kingdom {OLD VERSION- INCOMPLETE}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz