[4] Branch's Surprise

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Hey! Thanks again for reading! I hope you're enjoying this so far. If you are, thank you for the support. Thanks to all my viewers, followers, commenters, voters, and all you people out there that just happen to come across me. If so, just wanted to say:

Hi, I'm Katie! Want to be friends? :D

Anyway, onto the book. :)

"Poppy?" Branch knocked on the door. "Are you almost ready?"

"Yes," he heard her say.

Branch cracked the door open, to find Poppy with her hair down.

"Poppy, you look..."

"....I know, it's stupid. I should have work it up."

"No," Branch said, smiling. "It-it's beautiful, Poppy."

She smiled. "Really? Thanks, Branch."

She kissed his cheek and bounced over to look in the mirror.

Branch just kept smiling.

(*Time Skip*)

"Where are we going, anyway?" Poppy asked Branch, as they kept walking. "It's already past five."

"It's okay, Poppy, we're almost there."

Within 2 more minutes of walking, Branch felt a hand grip in his  hand.

Poppy smile at him when he looked at their hands together.

She giggled. "What's wrong?"

Brmach chuckled, lightly. He was making it obvious he was nervous. "Um, n-nothing!"

"Oh, okay," she smiled once more.

Poppy looked a little odd with her hair down, but not like a bad odd.

She looked different, but beautiful.

"We're here," Branch said, as they came up to the beautiful lake that had the orange sun reflected off of it.

"Branch, it's-"


"More than that," she said, an smiled. "This is so much fun!!"

"Oh, the fun hasn't started yet!" he picked Poppy up bridal style and threw her in.

Poppy squealed. "Branch!!!!!!!" he voice longed as she fell underwater.

She got out, soaking yet. Branch pulled off his jacket and handed it to her.

"Meanie," she giggled, and grabbed it.

The sun was on the verge of darkness. After about 3 minutes, Branch felt a pair f arms wrap around him, and a head rest on his shoulder.

"I love you, Branch," Poppy said, sleepily.

Branch was surprised. He didn't know if he had heard her correctly.

"I Love you too, Poppy," he said, and put on hand around her waist, and the other stroking her wet face.

Thanks for reading again guys. :) Enjoy your day/night!

More updates coming! ❤

Also, I you ship them, type in the comments, #BroppyIsLife

Trolls Continued: Branch And PoppyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang