[31] Branch Misses Her....

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Hello! :)

Branch and Poppy sat next to each other, both sad.

"I don't know what to do," Branch said.

"Me neither," said Poppy. "Maybe a little dancing will help cheer us up?"

Branch was about to say no, when Poppy stood up and held out her hand, waiting for him to take it.

Branch stepped up and took her hand. He spun her, and she twirled away from him by doing 5 back handsprings and landing in his arms. He picked her up and threw her into the air, her doing a front flip and landing on him.

Peppy turned on some slow music, and Poppy leaned into Branch's arm, him twirling her. She did a back tuck, him barely catching her. She leaned against his chest and kissed his lips, but broke away from something wet from above hit her face.

Branch was crying.

"Branch, what's wrong?" she asked.

He wiped a tear away. "I miss my Grandma."

"Aww....." Poppy said. "Well, you've got me? Peppy? Biggie? DJ-"

He shook his head. "We don't have Biggie. And Heaven knows where the rest of the Trolls are."

"Well, what all of a sudden brought up your Grandma?"

"Because," he said. "This was the second to last song I ever sang to her."

Trolls Continued: Branch And PoppyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant