[36] Creek Doesn't Even Care

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When Branch noticed Creek was finally alone (And away from Poppy!!) he quickly ran over to him to talk to him.

"What did you do to Poppy," Branch asked, with no greeting.

Creek looked up at him, then smirked. "I shouldn't say."

Branch pointed at him, angrily. "You're a monster, Creek. What's your problem with me, anyway?"

He stood up so he was as tall as Branch was. "My problem is you and Poppy."

"So? What about Poppy and I?"

"Shut up and Listen, Branch. You don't deserve Poppy-"

Branch scoffed. "Oh, and you do?"

"Branch! Shut your troll trap!!! I want Poppy, and I'm going to do whatever it takes. Poppy and I are supposed to be together. She only fell for you because lord of trolls knows she was probably brainwashed."

"Want are you saying?"

Creek pointed at Branch's body. "I mean look at you! What fool would fall for that?"

"Poppy. And she didn't fall for anything. In case you didn't know, Poppy's nice enough to look deeper into more of you are, rather ten judging someone by how they look. That's why I love her. You know what, you don't even love Poppy! You just want her because you're mad."

"Yeah, Creek," said a fimilsr voice. "Branch is right."

Branch didn't even have to turn to know who it was.


Thanks for reading guys and girls!!! More coming soon 😊

Trolls Continued: Branch And PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now