[76] Poppy, Back At Branch's Bunker

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Poppy had noticed Branch had been missing for a few days, so she mentioned it to everyone. They then were nice, and they told her that she could go to Troll Tree and look for him.

So she did.

When she reached there, she we t strait to her house first.

She picked up her scrapbook that she'd been working on for a very long time filled with pictures of them since  branch sang True Colors to her. There we many.

She had one special one that they'd taken just before Poppy had gone on her journey. Poppy was kissing Branch's cheek in the picture, and Branch was blsuhing.

Poppy put the picture in and held the book to her chest. She grabbed it and headed out the door and to Branch's bunker.

When she reached, she immediately noticed he had placed back down his "Go Away" mat. She sighed.

She used the key to get in in which Branch had given her. She then went downstairs, and found him asleep in his bed.

She sighed and smiled. At least he was safe.

She placed the scrapbook down in from of him and stood there, nor even realized she was.

She then leaned over to him and kissed his cheek. She giggled, then began to skip away.


The songs I listened to:

My account is acting weird and I can't post what I listened to while I wrote this. I promise I will shortly! 😊

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