[157] Important Update, Please Read!

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Okay, guys....

Lately I haven't been feeling my greatest, each day I wake up not feeling good, my throat hurts and my nose if either always runny or stuffed up....

The other day I spend hours in the nurse's office at my school due to the fact that my stomach was worse than it had ever been before in my life, and it didn't help that I was running the mile at ny school that day. After we ran the mile, before I went to the nurse, I was grasping my my belly trying to make it feel better. My friends were very worried due to the fact that whines came out of my mouth and I was wailing in pain.

Luckily, I'm a brave girl, and I didn't cry. Normally people with as much pain that I was going thru would've cried their eyes out.

The nurse gave me some stuff and told me to lie down.

As I was lieing down, it luckily gave me time to imagine some scenes in Trolls 2. *Hint hint* Broppy kiss! 😏

Then, I thought that if I played outside with ny brothers it might help me take my mind off of everything.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen at all. It just made things worse.

I'm allergic to the sun, I know you don't believe me, but I am. I get red leopard-looking prints on my body.

Not only that, but I cane back inside with rashes on my neck, back, face, both arms, and both legs, and they burned so bad, I had to try and keep them out of the hot water when I was taking a bath.

Which was physically impossible.

Not only that, but I was sneezing, coughing, and my eyes were watering so much, I couldn't see my mom standing right in front of me.

Yesterday I just could not get to sleep. I was up tossing and turning, because today at school we started our big exams. I was very nervous, because we went to a new school this year, a brand new made one, so we're the first one to take the exam, which is a lot of pressure, if you know what I mean.

The only thing that got me to sleep was hugging my Poppy and Branch plushies.

And then I woke up again.

Throughout the day my head hurt so bad. I ended up closing ny eyes and sat there for a second, but had to prevent myself from talking asleep.

Now my head hurts very bad....I really don't eve know why I'm writing this since it's really bad...

This chapter isn't to make you feel bad for me. Point is.....I haven't been feeling my greatest lately.

For this reason, I may not be updating my books as often anymore. I'm sorry, guys.

Please forgive me, in just going through a hard time. 😳

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