[8] Branch's (2nd) Surprise

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Branch and Poppy walked up to a beach. Poppy was surprised, but happy, as always.

"Wow! Branch, it's AMAZING! I love beaches," she exclaimed.

"I do too," Branch said. "And, because you're queen I was able to even get it reserved for us!"

"Oh, Branch!" Poppy squealed, adnran over to him and gave him a hug. "You're the best!!"

She wrapped his arms around her. "I know."

She pulled back. "Really?!"


She smiled and shook her head. "Never mind. But, there is one things that can make it even better!"

"And what is that?" Branch asked.

"Come with me," she grabbed his hand and pulled him across to the ocean. Before Branch could think twice, Poply threw him in.

"AHHH!!! POPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!" he voice dragged on and on as her fell underwater.

Branch swam to above water and Poppy started laughing and tried to run away. Branch used his hand to grab her. He brought her into the ocean and threw her underwater.

"Ahh! Branch!!" she squealed. That's what you get!!" he said, and helped her get back up.

"No! You threw me in the lake! Oh, and about that...."

Poppy grabbed him and threw him scrois the ocean. Polly laughed, which of course made Branch laugh, too.

Poppy swam over to Branch. He wiped her face and kissed her.

"Love you Poppy."

"I love you too, Branch," she said.

Branch pretended to be picking her up, but instead he threw her.

Hope you all enjoyed!! New chapters coming soon! <3

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