[11] Poppy's Crying (Again) Thanks To Creek....

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What's up guys 😊 Thanks for reading this. I really hope you guys are enjoying this!
Let's get to the book.

It was 10:00 at night, and Branch was walking up and down the hallway, when he heard Poppy make a noise coming from her room.

"Poppy?" Branch pushed her door open. "Are you in there?"

Poppy was in her bed, but didn't say anything.

Much less expected, Poppy was crying.


Poppy never cries. She's the happiest troll ever.

"Poppy," Branch said, stroking her face. "Are you okay?"

Poppy shook her head gently.

"What's wrong?"


Poppy didn't say anything. She didn't finish.

"Spit it out," Branch said. "You can tell me."

"It's Creek."

Branch didn't say anything for a minute. Then he started laughing. "Sweetie, Creek's dead-"

"No, he isn't! I just got a message from him! Look!"

Poppy handed him her phone.

It's Creek. You trolls only got out of our trap because of luck. Oh, and your little boyfriend, Branch? Stay away from him. Poppy, you're mine. I'm coming for you. And once I get you, you will be mine. We will be one.
You've been warned,

Branch looked at Poppy. "Wait, we you and Creek......"

It grew silent.

......dating?" he finished.

Poppy didn't say anything for a minute. She quietly let out a "Yes."

"Poppy, how could you date someone so evil as Creek?" Branch asked.

Poppy looked up, her face more wet than it had been before. "I didn't know Creek was evil. He asked me out, and I was happy about that. I said yes. We were both very happy trolls, or, as I thought. I'm sorry, Branch."

Nobody said anything.

Branch hadn't even known Poppy had had a boyfriend before him.

But appantly she did.

"You know, now that I think about it, when Creek said he was selling us out, I don't think it was because he was about to be eaten at all!"

Branch looked at Poppy. "Huh?"

"I had broken up with Creek just two days before they were all stolen. And now that I think about it, that's why he sold us out. He was mad at me for breaking up with him, and he knew, he knew that....."

.....that I loved you," Poppy said after a short pause. "So he wanted to get rid of you. And he wanted the other trolls to be eaten just so it wouldn't look so obvious!"

"Oh my troll," Branch said.

"Branch?" Poppy asked.

"Will you protect me?"

"Of course," Branch said. "I'll always be there for you."

Poppy smiled thru her tears. "Thanks."

Branch wiped part of her cheek and kissed it, which made Poppy light up just a bit.

Thanks for reading! I know it was long than usual. Sorry! :)

Trolls Continued: Branch And PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now