[131] Please Read...VERY IMPORTANT.

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Okay guys. I'm terribly sorry. Lots of you may have noticed I haven't been updating my books a lot lately. I'm sorry for that, but there's a very good reason for this certain behavior.

I've got a look t going on in my life right now, and it wouldn't be shared. But not only this, but I've been very busy with.....stuff. I'm not going to take you in complete boredom to talk about it, but yeah.

So sadly, I will be putting some of my books on hold to catch up. Don't worry, it's only temporary.

Anyway, please don't be mad at me. I've tried my hardest to keep up with everything, but it isn't working.

Also, please stop continually commenting, "Update" "Update today" "Where are you going to update?" Please stop with this, it makes me feel rushed. And there are a few people I've seen on my books that comment "Please update." And I think, "Okay. I'll try and update since that's what people want." But I then see they've commented on lots of other people's stories saying the exact same thing.

Like, seriously?!! Give them time to think, write, edit, everything!! For Pete's freaking sake!!

Honestly, of it were me, I'd ban that. Because then you're not going to get a great story! Like, stop pushing them! They'll update when they feel like it!

Plus, if you bug someone to update, you could then make them take a longer time to update, because they might be aggravated. And this doesn't help the others that are kindly waiting, does it? No.

Anyway, hope you guys understand. I'll really try and update while I can, I promise.


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